Becoming quiet, restoring the mind-body, and connecting with the Universal flow makes so much sense. You know meditation has proven health benefits, calms your stress, builds resilience, and puts you in direct contact with your Soul. Regardless of technique, the simple act of slowing down and noticing yourself and the world around you is essential.
Especially if you intend to show up as the wise woman you long to become.
Within the stillness, inspiration arises from deep within you, all around you, and beyond you. When you are receptive and teachable, Life pours forth wisdom. It’s a good thing you have everything you need within you to translate this guidance, receive healing energy, and evolve. Even if you don’t always feel that way or are confused about how to connect, that’s okay. Just sit still, breathe, and “notice what you notice.” That’s enough to get you started. And once you’ve begun, there’s no end to what you may discover.
These journeys were intuitively designed to offer you increased well-being, peace, and self-acceptance as you connect with your authentic nature and Divine messengers. Each meditation deeply nourishes you as they generate powerful physiological and energy states of wholeness, well-being, and peace. As your body, mind, and emotions harmonize, you rest within your own radiant energy field. Empowering greater receptivity to healing, insights, and higher soul-utions.
The dreamy music by Paul Armitage encourages you to open to higher cosmic vibrations. It’s okay if you fall asleep – your mind, body, and energy will absorb everything. Just no driving while listening, okay?
Already Perfect soothes you gently into remembering the preciousness of your true essence. Imagine the reassuring voice of your Soul telling you how deeply you are loved and how perfectly you’re showing up. Just as you are in this very moment.
Travel to the magical island of Kauai in the Hawaiian islands where your stress melts away and your energy is naturally replenished. Gently guided into a state of deep relaxation, your whole being opens to receive healing energy flowing from the Spirit of the Palm. Reminded of your inherent worth, this teacher of nature generously teaches you how to live in the flow.
“Hello Kathy! The tired and frazzled mum in me is now calm refreshed and happy after listening to your Already Perfect CD. So sooooothing.”
“The Spirit of the Palm is absolutely amazing. I love it, OMG. Your voice is breathtaking and the actual meditation is so powerful. Talking with the palm tree is profound. Thank you for being you.”
This journey with the Angels of the Rays invites deep relaxation of your mind and body. Each Archangelic pair shows up with an invitation, a teaching, and a gift of healing light. These delightful Beings of Love enhance your intuition, connection with the Divine, and desire to serve. They’ve been strong teachers for me through the years. I know you’ll just love partnering with them!
Soothe and release the limiting beliefs and energetic barriers you hold about abundance in all forms. Traveling to the Divine Garden, you meet the Angels of Abundance who invite a gentle shift of perspective to see everything that is available to you. This is a joyful exploration which ignites your imagination and energy system to engage with the unlimited abundance in playful, magical ways. Starting right now.
“I listened to the Angels of the Rays meditation and it was amazing. Can I just say your voice is beautiful. It is really soothing and warm.”
“The Angels of Abundance meditation opened my mind and heart to the plenty that is present right here, right now. I feel spacious and free, as if my dreams are possible and doable. So grateful for this new perspective.”
Enjoy a multidimensional journey with the Archangels and Ascended Masters to a higher dimension where you are offered an energetic clearing to rejuvenate your whole being. Restored and balanced, you are guided into a Soul Conversation with the person of your choice to invite healing, clarity, and peace within your relationship.
Your Soul invites you to awaken as you journey to the loving stillness within the Heart of One. Here, the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Divine Mother/Father offer you healing gifts and an invitation to serve as a Divine Emissary. As you remember your authentic nature, your inherent gifts and desire to serve others are activated more fully.
“Soul Conversations empowers you to connect with your higher self and other spiritual beings. To relax, release stress and heal your body, mind and soul. Here, you can experience Heaven on Earth.”
“I listened to the Soul Conversations CD. It was such a bliss. Can’t put it into words. I caught a glimpse of the 5th dimension. So uplifting and moving. I can share my light as a Divine Emissary! Thank YOU SO much.”
I have a deep desire to empower remembrance of your inner wisdom. When you quiet the noise of the world, clarity reigns and good things are created. I believe the world needs what you have to offer.
Many years ago, before social media took the world by storm, the Angels asked me to help others “access the inner net through the use of the internet.” These Inspired Videos were birthed from that invitation.
Sitting in a big, comfy chair in my favorite bookstore, a series of questions arrived in my mind. I wrote them down, put them away, and went back to my work. Months later, while writing in the cafe of that same bookstore, I was guided to “get out the questions.” I took notes as words spilled through my mind onto paper. The result was the meditation Already Perfect. Here in visual format, you are invited to allow your Authentic Self to gently emerge. Music by Paul Armitage. Also available in audio format on my Already Perfect CD.
“What if you inspired others to gently allow themselves to unfold?’ brought tears to my eyes – this line! Thank you, Angel Kathy, for inspiring us to envision the perfection and magnificence within! You are Divine!”
I awoke in the night and was prompted to write something in my journal. In the morning, I found my open journal on the floor of my meditation room. With no memory of what was written, I received this Angelic message. It was a gift.
“We hold this expansive and complex view of the perfection and magnificence of every light being … and we are here to reflect this view back to you. … We invite you to delight in your ever expanding awareness of your magnificence, beauty, and perfection as an aspect of One – as a cell in the Body of Love.”
“Ah, Kathy, why is it that you seem to take my breath away and seem to explain what I myself believe in. I needed to hear this and reaffirm my experience, strength and hope. We are a living dream and we are miracles. How beautiful and wonderful is that. Thanks for sharing this Angelic Perspective.”
Meet the Archangels and Archeiai of the Rays as you immerse yourself in the infinite love and exquisite peace of the Angelic realm. These pairs offer balanced masculine/feminine Angelic energy as they flow the Seven Rays of Divine healing light. Let the Angels’ loving words and the etheric music of Paul Armitage wash over you, opening your heart, balancing your energy, and awakening inner wisdom. This video excerpts the Angels of the Rays meditation from my Angelic Journeys CD.
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