You can reach me at
I’d love to hear from you and do my best to reply to every email.
If you have questions about my services, please check out the
FAQs below before contacting me. I may have already answered
your question here or somewhere on my site. If your question
remains unanswered, feel free to reach out. I spend a lot of
nourishing time offline, so look for my response during weekdays.
I do enjoy your love notes, stories of how our work together led
you to the perfect experience, or just a random hello.
I’m grateful for all of it.
You can reach me at
I’d love to hear from you and do my best to reply to every email. If you have questions about my services, please check out the FAQs below before contacting me.
I may have already answered your question here or somewhere on my site. If your question remains unanswered, feel free to reach out. I spend a lot of nourishing time offline, so look for my response during weekdays.
I do enjoy your love notes, stories of how our work together led you to the perfect experience, or just a random hello. I’m grateful for all of it.
It’s my favorite way to connect with you.
I know it’s not always possible. Yet, if you can make the trip to Soul Sanctuary or join me on retreat sometime, that would be lovely.
110 Marter Avenue
Suite 206
Moorestown, NJ 08057
I’ve discovered that working via video is quite precious.
The individual sessions allow you and I to engage in deeply personal and powerful work. My virtual classes are the perfect size so you can explore and grow in an intimate and nourishing community. I am grateful for the opportunity to connect face to face with women around the world.
We may meet via ZOOM, Skype, or Doxy.
I’ll make sure you have the details when we schedule.
Lots of them! My entire site is rich with information so you may make an informed choice whenever you participate my offerings.
Lots of them! My entire site is rich with information so you may make an informed choice whenever you participate my offerings.
Lots of them! My entire site is rich with information so you may make an informed choice whenever you participate my offerings.
Lots of them! My entire site is rich with information so you may make an informed choice whenever you participate my offerings.
I’m a NJ licensed psychologist who works with women, 18 and older, who are serious about transformation. My Moorestown office is called Soul Sanctuary and you’ll know why when you arrive. I use a whole person approach addressing your body, mind, soul, and energy. My specialities include treating trauma, energy psychology, and facilitating spiritual growth. I’m an Out of Network Provider and the FAQs below address fees and insurance. Exploring my website is a good way to get a sense of me and my work. I believe you’re in charge of your own healing path and I’m happy to help. I absolutely love what I do, am committed to learning more, and expect you’ll have a lot to teach me.
If you think I may assist you on your journey, please give me a call at 856-778-1981. I value our initial conversation and do not set up appointments via email or text.
I’m a NJ licensed psychologist who works with women , 18 and older, who are serious about healing and transformation. Therapy sessions are offered at Soul Sanctuary on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays. I do my best to accommodate work, school, and child care schedules. The fee is $175 for 55 minutes. I offer telehealth sessions if you live in New Jersey (where I am licensed). If we look like a potential fit, give me a call at 856-778-1981 and we can talk about how I may assist you. I value this initial conversation so do not set up appointments via text or email. If you are too far away but still want to work with me, read the last FAQ below.
I work with women who are deeply interested in healing, cultivating a balanced, joyful life, and, growing spiritually (however you define that). I specialize in treating trauma and helping you through the past and current challenges of your life.
I’ll introduce you to a whole person approach which addresses body-mind-soul-energy. I share energy psychology and mind-body techniques, wisdom practices, positive psychology, and other techniques to maximize your flexible, skillful navigation of life. This allows you to gain a broader perspective of your circumstances, inner resources and vulnerabilities, positive solutions, and your as of yet undiscovered potential. (And it just makes good sense if you are a human).
I received my PhD in Developmental Clinical Psychology from Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, PA) and a BA in Psychology from St. Joseph’s University (Philadelphia, PA). I was also trained as a Certified School Psychologist in PA. I am currently licensed as a psychologist in New Jersey. Prior to opening my private practice, I served as the Executive Director of Community Treatment Solutions in South Jersey. We provided comprehensive treatment services, housing, and resourcing to youth coming through protective services (DYFS) and NJ Family Court. These adolescents had a long history of trauma, behavioral challenges, family dysfunction, and were essentially too difficult for Residential Treatment Centers to treat.
As a developmental, clinical psychologist with over 35 years of experience, I am also trained in many psychotherapy modalities under the umbrella of psychology. I find the breadth and depth of these many approaches allows me to integrate and flexibly utilize those techniques which best serve you. I also expect to learn a lot from you have found to most helpful in your life. Together, we craft a plan for working together.
My primary (and favorite) Energy Psychology modality is Heart Assisted Therapy (HAT) developed by John Diepold, PhD. I have advanced training in HAT and in Dr. Diepold’s earlier method called Evolving Thought Field Therapy. I am certified in the Comprehensive Energy Psychology (CEP) technique, biofield therapy techniques, and Clinical Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Levels I and II through the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). I have training in Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine Levels I and II. I am certified in The Emotion Code and The Body Code created by Dr. Bradley Nelson. While not identified as an Energy Psychology method, I am also certified in EMDR (Levels I and II) created by Dr. Francine Shapiro. Please note that I rarely offer EMDR as the Heart Assisted Therapy modality is so rich in potential for healing.
A Diplomate recognizes a professional who has completed an advanced degree, is licensed to practice, and has completed advanced training, supervision, and examination in a specialty area. My Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology was awarded by the international Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). In addition to Continuing Education required for my NJ Psychology License, I also must meet annual requirements for additional training in order to maintain my Diplomate status. (This is a delight as I am a lifetime learner).
Why’d I go after that Diplomate? Simple. In Energy Psychology, I found treatment approaches I believe are truly valuable, easy to teach/learn, and flexibly applied to all areas of life. I dove in and learned as much as I could, so I could use these methods myself and share it with all of my clients. I’m happy to teach you these methods so you can awaken your inner healer and take even greater responsibility for your own transformation.
At the onset of 2020 there have been over 200 studies, review articles, and meta-analyses published in professional, peer-reviewed journals. And 98% of these show that energy psychology methods are effective. I’m grateful to have entered this field when it was new and am excited to witness the field’s evolution.
As a Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology, I am committed to learning more about how the holistic mind-body-spirit- energy system works, heals, and transforms. I typically present at ACEP’s conference every other year and enjoy learning from the many clinicians, researchers, and leading edge presenters from various fields.
The bottom line is yes. Imagine entering a relationship where you dive deep into your life and private inner space without trust, understanding, privacy, and respect. That wouldn’t make sense. The psychologist-client relationship is a confidential and privileged one which means it is protected by law and the psychologist’s ethical code. In everyday language this means I can’t release or disclose any identifying information about you to anyone without your written consent. There are a few exceptions, such as if you intend to harm yourself, and these exist to support your wellbeing. I’ll review all of this when we first meet and questions about your rights (and the therapy process) are always welcome.
I am an Out-of-Network provider. This means I am not a participating psychologist within any insurance company system. When we meet, you pay me directly for the session ($175) and I will provide you with a statement to submit to the insurance company. If you have coverage for an Out-of-Network psychologist, you will be reimbursed directly by the insurance company at the designated Out-of-Network rate after you meet your deductible. I’m happy to help you fill out your insurance claim form if this is unfamiliar.
While I prefer to meet in person at Soul Sanctuary, I understand this is not always possible. I am offering Telehealth sessions for New Jersey residents given that I am only licensed in this state. I use which is a secure Telehealth platform. You may access this easily when I send you the link. If you are out of state, but able to drive to my office, I am most happy to work with you in person if this is possible.
No and here’s why. When I opened my private practice, after 20 years in the nonprofit sector, I made a personal commitment to do work I love, create beauty, and empower people to explore their own healing capacity. This meant I wouldn’t spend my hours billing insurance companies. While this closes the door for some, this decision allows me to offer all of the other services you see on this site. (And it keeps me true to my passion to serve people in a way that empowers them, uses my talents, and makes me really, truly happy).
You may choose to pay out of pocket. Many of my clients do. I don’t offer a sliding scale and understand that this option is not possible for everyone. An alternative is to find a licensed In-Network therapist (PhD, MA, LCSW, LPC) who bills the insurance company directly and collects a copay at each visit. Look on the insurance website for a list of participating therapists or google “find a therapist near me.” I always suggest speaking to the therapist about your needs before you attend a session. A short telephone call should give you an initial sense if the therapist is responsive and feels like a potential fit. Remember that you, as the client, are at choice. You want to identify the best person to help you.
Does my insurance provide coverage for an Out-of-Network licensed Psychologist?
What is the reimbursement for a $175 psychotherapy session?
Is there a deductible which must be met? If so, what amount?
Is there a cap on the number of psychotherapy sessions reimbursed in a year?
How do I submit my psychotherapy statements for reimbursement? (obtain mailing address, ask if a form is required, how access form)
Who may I contact if I have questions about my claim?
What is the average time until I receive my reimbursement?
If looking for an In-Network therapist, ask if there is a list posted on their website.
(I will give you a statement with all the info required by your insurance company.)
As I am committed to working with women age 18 and older, I no longer offer therapy to children, families, or couples. If a current client is seeking those services, we will explore together the best alternative options to meet the family’s need.
That’s easy. I value privacy and the courage it takes to do this work. Your journey will never become a means for referrals. I believe you get an accurate sense of me and how I work by reading the rest of the testimonials.
If you want to explore how you and I can work together, explore my classes, retreats, online resources, and spiritual mentoring. Those services are offered under my other business (The Energetic Muse, LLC) and are not considered therapy nor are they eligible for insurance coverage, as they are outside my role as licensed psychologist. I work with women around the world in my roles as spiritual mentor, teacher, intuitive, or retreat facilitator. You know, as do I, that therapy is not the only path to healing, personal transformation, and spiritual growth. My intent is to empower you to develop skills, perspectives, and strategies which benefit transformation. Rest assured I bring all of my experience and knowledge in every facet of my work.
I offer Soul Guide sessions to women around the world. We meet individually, in person or via video, to explore your intent to grow spiritually and understand your life from a soul perspective. These sessions are centered on your questions, your belief system, and those areas you feel you need guidance or healing.
My Soul Guide sessions are helpful when you’re ready to live from the level of the soul, align with the universal energy flow, and awaken intuitive skill. Together, we’ll explore your unique Soulful Map which guides your life, work, and spiritual evolution. Sometimes you may just want a tune up session to tweak your spiritual practice or be helped through a rough spot from a spiritual perspective.
You decide the level of your investment in yourself. After all, you’re the expert in your own life and your Soul knows what you need.
Absolutely! You’ve got a few options which are outlined on the Angelic Connections page. Any Soul Guide session can include work with the Angels. Three specific sessions will be booked as a Soul Guide session (with the Angelic focus). These are AngelicEnergetics™, Mentoring with Me & the Angels, and Angel Card Readings & Guidance. Choose one or experience them all. Your choice.
Absolutely! I’m all about being present with you and appreciate the visual, live stream contact. If your internet connection is spotty, we can always use the phone or What’s App as a back up. Once we arrange sessions, I’ll send the ZOOM link.
Not for these. This work is offered for your personal growth, education, and spiritual evolution. Soul Guide sessions are not considered psychotherapy or clinical intervention. I offer this service as a Spiritual Mentor through The Energetic Muse, LLC.
It’s important to know that I am not functioning in the role of psychologist for this service. In our everyday world, I have to honor the boundaries and definition of my professional license, as opposed to the equally important work as spiritual mentor. It’s an interesting dichotomy and opens a discussion that explores how to be in this world and not of it. Know that I’ll still bring you a wealth of knowledge and techniques, perhaps even more so since we’re working freely within the energetic and spiritual dimensions.
Well, that’s an interesting question. The simple answer is that The Energetic Muse, LLC is my business name for all things not psychotherapy. (My work as a psychologist falls under Kathleen Milano PhD, LLC). The more complex story began one day while painting and ended with this suggestion for a business name (read that story on my Art for Your Soul page).
In Greek mythology, Muse refers to the nine sister goddesses who preside over song, poetry, arts, and sciences. I like that idea. The dictionary also defines muse as a source of inspiration or a guiding genius. I view this Energetic Muse as a working partner – a guiding genius to direct my path of inspired creativity and loving service.
You have a choice. An individual session is $175 for an hour. If you are invested in growing spiritually, you may want to commit to my Soul Guide Session Bundle. This allows you to book 6 hours for a total of $1050 which offers a $100 discount. With the Soul Guide Session Bundle, you have the freedom to book sessions in time increments of 1 hour or 90 minutes. It’s flexible and considers what makes sense for you and the service you are receiving.
Payments may be made at time of booking appointment via check (if local and received in advance), credit card, Pay Pal, or Venmo. If you are booking online through my shop (Pay Pal) or using a credit card via Square, there is an additional processing fee. You may also use Venmo without a fee. Venmo: Kathleen-Milano-2. Pay Pal: @kathymilanophd Pay Pal offers a payment plan option for your convenience.
Of course. You’ll be held with care as you explore your life, private inner space, and spiritual beliefs. I value trust, understanding, privacy, and respect. I imagine you do too. This is sacred work and we’ll treat it as such.
Soul Guide sessions are typically 55 minutes. When you purchase a package of 6 sessions, you may split up the 6 hours into any combination of time that serves you. Some ladies prefer 90 minute sessions to really dive in with conversation and energy work. You’re at choice here and can change it up as you move through your sessions.
Your choice! It all depends upon your intent for the sessions. And how you best work. Some ladies love to meet weekly to keep the momentum going strong. Others use time in between sessions to do their own practice and inner research. Some meet regularly on a monthly basis with an eye on the long game of soulful evolution. I’m your partner, so we’ll do whatever serves your journey.
Dive deeper. You’re the expert in your life, so first get quiet and check in with your own wisdom. Find out what nudged you to consider Soul Guide sessions in the first place. Explore your intent, desired direction, and possible outcomes. When you’ve done that, travel about my website to see all my offerings. If you’re still wanting to explore working with me individually in Soul Guide sessions, let’s chat. Give me a call and we’ll explore what options make the most sense. I’d love to help you find the perfect way forward.
I’d love to tell you about that, but I don’t know yet. When I work with you, I listen deeply to what you’re sharing – on all levels. Then the path opens and the work begins. It is exciting to unearth your specific Map which points in the direction you are headed.
I have learned from working with so many people over 35 years, especially with those on a spiritual path, that there are commonalities shared by all humans. That’s why I’ve included direct feedback from women (In Her Words). So you can explore the variety of benefits from our work and hear them presented In Her Words. Maybe you will recognize yourself in these beautiful women.
First off, every session is unique and is guided by your intent, the lineage of healers and guides, and the most beneficial process to empower an outcome that will support your larger life. With that said, here are some details so you have an idea of what to expect. We’ll have a chat about why you came and what you’re hoping to accomplish with this healing session. Working together within Sacred Space, I’ll track (or scan) your body on all levels to explore the type of intervention required. Then, we’ll get to clearing dense energy, rewriting the lightbody, and seeking to release, repair, or retrieve aspects of your energy if necessary.
Every session involves an Illumination which is the core healing practice of this path. You’ll lay fully clothed on a table, or in your own space if we’re working remotely. I’ll guide you a bit and often work in silence. It is very relaxing and many people fall asleep or have a dreamlike experience, receiving their own insight. We’ll conclude with a small ceremony and discussion about how to follow up with whatever was discovered. It is gentle, nourishing, and often inexplicable. That’s the way of mystical transformation. It’s not uncommon for someone to say “That was fantastic. I feel marvelous and I have no idea what we did.” Yup. Drink some water, ground into your beautiful body, and go live your day with joy.
Many people refer to this work interchangeably as shamanic healing or energy medicine, including The Four Winds Society where I did my training. While I could be referred to as a Shamanic Practitioner, I’ve chosen to use the term Energy Medicine for a number of reasons. My certification identifies me as a Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine. My lineage is the Andean tradition of Medicine Men and Women. In the mountainous part of Peru, they are referred to as the Paqos or Medicine People. So, while many use the term shaman or shamanic practitioner to refer to the skills, techniques, and ceremony in which I was trained, I’ve always referred to this wisdom as medicine.
The word “shaman” originally came from the healers in Siberia (“saman”) and means “one who knows.” That term has travelled the world and is commonly accepted to describe a wide variety of medicine traditions. I have a deep reverence for the lifelong training of the Paqos (and all medicine people) and do not consider myself a shaman as I have not walked that path with the integrity that they have lived. With that said, I support those who use the terms shaman or shamanic practitioner and am grateful there are so many people sharing these teachings throughout the world.
Seeking the term that felt truest for me, and integrated within all of the energy work that I offer, I awoke from a dream one morning with the instruction to refer to myself as a “modern day medicine woman.” I understand this to mean a few things. It honors the training in this tradition, as well as the initiations, ceremony, and instruction I’ve had from my Ecuadorian medicine teachers. It aligns with Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology, my training in brain-body-energy integration, as well as the AngelicEnergetics healing modality. I’ve had a lot of professional training, exposure to a variety of medicine traditions, direct teaching from the unseen realms, and years of experience offering healing services and sharing these teachings with others.
Yet, within my heart, I feel that I am a novice. Open to the mystery and quite teachable from those who live the Medicine Path, as well as the etheric lineages who guide me perfectly. This is what I offer you. With my intent to open to the Mystery and the guidance of your Soul’s Wisdom. I’ll use all the modern knowledge and ancient wisdom I have access to for your benefit. And I’ll honor whatever label you choose to describe our work .
An individual session is $225 for 90 minutes. The price remains the same whether it is in person or held remotely.
Payments may be made at time of booking appointment via check (if local and received in advance), credit card, Pay Pal, or Venmo. If you are booking online through my shop or using a credit card via Square, there is an additional processing fee. You may also use Venmo without a fee. Venmo: Kathleen-Milano-2. Pay Pal: @kathymilanophd
Absolutely! I’m all about being present with you and appreciate the visual, live stream contact. When working with energy, distance is no barrier. We’ll chat, I’ll tune into your energy field to determine our best way forward, and then you can relax in your private space as the healing occurs. I’ve found the remote energy sessions to be equally beautiful as in person. If you have any questions or concerns about this, we’ll address those first. I’ll provide you with the link for the remote video session after we’ve set up our appointment.
I firmly believe everyone is intuitive with the capacity to directly connect with the Divine in all forms seen and unseen. Whenever you engage in any healing or ceremony that clears dense energy and activates more light within your field, your capacity for direct connection is enhanced. There are many ways to explore this direct connection and I offer services and classes to empower you to trust and engage your intuitive nature.
With that said, it will certainly be interesting to explore your direct experience during a session. And yes, if there is a recommendation for you to deepen into contact with any aspect of Spirit, I’ll be sure to let you know. Everyone who takes my classes or workshops also discovers how easy it is to connect and begins to trust this very deeply. I imagine this will be your experience if you hang out with me.
I imagine you can imagine my response. I’m not a medical doctor and I’m not offering medical treatment, advice, or healing directed at curing any illness. It is important to consider your treatment for any medical condition carefully as you are of choice in caring for your body. Many people are exploring how to combine allopathic (traditional) medical treatment with what may be called complementary or alternative medicine (CAM). The choice and responsibility for your care ultimately remains with you. Listen to your body and inner wisdom while you explore treatments in conventional and/or alternative holistic healing.
The term “medicine” in many indigenous traditions refers to spiritual healing. This immediately differentiates between healing and cure. While someone may be cured of a disease, they may not experience healing. Or they may experience a spiritual healing which enables them to live and die differently while the disease remains present. When you include the term energy, this refers to a focus upon, and intervention on, the energy body.
The Andean Energy Medicine (and all forms of energy work I do across modalities) focuses upon clearing the energy field. This approach, similar to healing in traditional Chinese medicine or Indian Ayurvedic medicine, suggests that supporting energetic clarity in the body allows the body’s natural natural healing mechanisms to arise. In a view which treats the body as a comprehensive energetic-physical-emotional-spiritual system, intervention at the level of energy affects all levels.
You may come with any intent you chose to an Andean Energy Medicine session. My suggestion is to stay open to every possibility and trust your capacity to heal. All the while exploring every conventional or alternative healing modality that feels right to treat your medical condition.
Not for these. This work is offered for your personal growth, education, and spiritual evolution. Andean Energy Medicine sessions are not considered psychotherapy or clinical intervention. [Although I surely view them as good medicine.] I offer this service as a Spiritual Mentor through The Energetic Muse, LLC.
It’s important to know that I am not functioning in the role of psychologist for this service. In our everyday world, I have to honor the boundaries and definition of my professional license, as opposed to the equally important work as spiritual mentor. It’s an interesting dichotomy and opens a discussion that explores how to be in this world and not of it. Know that I’ll bring you a wealth of knowledge within these beautiful healing techniques, since we’re working freely within the energetic and spiritual dimensions.
I was first called to the Andean cosmology with the books by Alberto Villoldo. I consumed this knowledge, enjoyed personal healing sessions with Alberto, studied informally with students of The Four Winds Society (Villoldo’s school), and experienced many Andean Medicine healing sessions over the past 20 years. I’ve benefitted from the map of the Medicine Wheel in my personal evolution and began sharing this map with others. I’ve incorporated all this into my classes and retreats. After many years, I was invited by the etheric Grandmothers to empower women with these teachings through my Art of Becoming class.
I was not expecting to complete formal training with The Four Winds Society to become an Energy Medicine practitioner. No plans for this whatsoever. In the beginning of 2022, I was called to become a Munay Ki Practitioner and then, again unexpectedly, began the intensive training to become a Four Winds Energy Medicine Practitioner. My studies and personal work continue within the Four Winds 3 year Master Energy Medicine training and Munay Ki Teacher training. I have also traveled to Peru with the Four Winds to work directly with the Andean Medicine Teachers within the Sacred Valley. I imagine this Path, like every other I’ve walked, will offer endless invitations. I’m grateful to immerse myself in the Beauty Way for the rest of my days.
I feel a deep appreciation to my Alberto Villoldo and his teachers in the mountains, jungles, and coastal regions of Peru. As well as the fine teachers in the Four Winds Society, the Q’ero Medicine people, the etheric lineages who guide my journey, and my fellow practitioners who share their beauty on this journey of discovery.
I’d like to honor my Ecuadorian Medicine teachers who have offered me private instruction, initiation, healing, and a strong invitation to bring these teachings forth. Ah ho.
Well, that’s an interesting question. The simple answer is that The Energetic Muse, LLC is my business name for all things not psychotherapy. (My work as a psychologist falls under Kathleen Milano PhD, LLC). The more complex story began one day while painting and ended with this suggestion for a business name (read that story on my Art for Your Soul page).
In Greek mythology, Muse refers to the nine sister goddesses who preside over song, poetry, arts, and sciences. I like that idea. The dictionary also defines muse as a source of inspiration or a guiding genius. I view this Energetic Muse as a working partner – a guiding genius to direct my path of inspired creativity and loving service.
Of course. You’ll be held with care as you explore your life, private inner space, and spiritual beliefs. I value trust, understanding, privacy, and respect. I imagine you do too. This is sacred work and we’ll treat it as such. I don’t record sessions for this reason, but will make sure you have all the pertinent information for your own follow up after each session.
Nope. If you are interested in this work, please contact me. If you are considering this for someone else in your family or life, please make sure they are truly interested and are making the decision to engage in the work themselves.
Dive deeper. You’re the expert in your life, so first get quiet and check in with your own wisdom. Find out what nudged you to consider the Andean Energy Medicine approach in the first place. Explore your intent, desired direction, and possible outcomes. If you’re still wanting to explore working with me individually for an Andean Energy Medicine session, let’s chat. Give me a call and we’ll explore what options make the most sense. If you’re familiar with this tradition, or just feel that Soul tugging pull toward learning more, also consider the Art of Becoming class or personal mentoring and energy sessions. I’d love to help you find the perfect way forward.
I’d love to tell you about that, but I don’t know yet. When I work with you, I listen deeply to what you’re sharing – on all levels. Then the path opens and the work begins. It is exciting to unearth your specific Map which points in the direction you are headed.
You will finish a session feeling very relaxed. I’ll encourage you to drink plenty of water, listen to your body about what it needs, and stay open to how obvious or subtle changes arise in your day to day experience.
While everyone is different, I know it’s helpful to explore the potential value of any healing technique you try. That’s why I’ve included direct feedback from women on my site. So you can explore the variety of benefits from our work and hear them presented “In Her Words.” Maybe you will recognize yourself in these beautiful women.
So often there’s no words to describe the sense of peace, nurturing love, beauty, and empowerment that occurs during these Journeys. On a practical note, we’ll chat on the phone until I’m nudged to begin. You’ll then get comfy, close your eyes, and drop within so you can receive the greatest benefit. I will “live stream” the messages, describe the Journey, and introduce the Angels and light beings. They have a lot to say, so I’ll be talking for an hour or so. There isn’t any back and forth chatting during a Journey. Your only job is to relax, listen, and receive.
Every Angel Healing Journey calls forth a collective of Divine beings and energy for your benefit. They’ll speak as a unified whole. Additionally, you’ll also be introduced to specific Angels and Light Beings who offer healing and guidance.
You may receive information via your unique intuitive channels or simply enjoy a sense of peace and relaxation during these Journeys. You will become super relaxed and may drift in and out of a dreamlike state. It’s important not to judge what is happening or worry about whether they’ll get to every question. (They will and then some.) It is a meandering, nonlinear Journey. You can relax and enjoy. Everything is recorded so you won’t miss a thing.
I want to make sure you are aware of a few important things before we schedule. The Angel Healing Journey is a service I offer as a Spiritual Mentor for your personal growth and education. It is not considered psychotherapy, nor intended to provide medical or psychological intervention. I do not offer these Journeys to psychotherapy clients, as this work falls outside my role as Psychologist. And to remind you that you are at choice – empowered to use this information for your own benefit.
The form is available HERE and is signed/sent electronically.
You sure can. I recommend tuning in and asking yourself what you really, truly
want help with. Once you book your Journey, come up with 3 to 4 questions. It’s
best to ask open ended questions. To make it a bit easier, I add on 2 statements (if it’s ok with you). I invite any introductions of celestial beings (angels, guides, luminous masters) wanting to be known and work with you. And I invite any healing or information that your soul wants you to know. Otherwise, those questions are all you. I’ll definitely help you with clarifying and phrasing the questions to get the most bang from your buck. Don’t stress here.
[Spoiler alert: the Angels will answer every question that is important to you, whether asked or not. Relax. This is a lighthearted process and you can’t do it wrong.]
Here are some ideas for questions, but do let your inner wisdom guide you to what’s most important. Who are my Guardian Angels and what role do they play in my life? How can I connect more clearly with the Angels and Guides? How can I strengthen my intuition? What guidance can you offer me about my life/work/relationship/parenting/financial/etc situation? Can you help me move into my life purpose? How can I best prepare for ABC? How may I best support this person? The Angels and I will help you get clarity about the perfect questions. No worries here.
You’re funny. Never gonna happen. They wouldn’t miss the opportunity to shower you with love, guidance, and healing energy. Not only will the perfect Angels, guides, and light beings show up, they will have a lot to share with you. More than you can imagine.
This is a common concern, especially when you are opening to the unknown about something important – you and your life. I encourage you to let this worry go. We work in a sacred space surrounded by high vibrational light, the Angels, and the Divine Presence. I’ve done hundreds of readings and they are without exception steeped in love, kindness, generosity, and peace. There is a beauty within this experience that moves the participant and myself deeply. Every single time. The Angels are here to empower you to live your beautiful life, not scare nor diminish you in any way. I trust this WholeHeartedly and you will understand why when we are done.
No. Across all spiritual traditions, Angels have appeared as messengers of the Divine and have served as helpers in personal growth and healing. Angel Healing Journeys have no affiliation with any specific spiritual tradition or religion. Held within the loving embrace of the Divine (however that is define by you), these messengers come forth to shower love and blessings upon you as they gently guide you toward your highest Good. The intent of Angel Healing Journeys is to transmit the information and energy that empowers you to connect with Angels and Divine guidance directly. So you may gain understanding and support as you aim to live your best life.
The cost is $234 (includes $9 PayPal fee) USD for a 90 minute session. The recorded Journey tends to last in the range of 60 plus minutes. The actual time is up to the Angels as they are in charge. It is important in this instance to have your questions ready so we may quickly dive into the Journey. Book here.
Payments may be made at time of booking appointment via check (if local and received in advance), credit card, Pay Pal, or Venmo. If you are booking online through my shop or using a credit card via Square, there is an additional processing fee. You may also use Venmo without a fee. Venmo: Kathleen-Milano-2. Pay Pal: @kathymilanophd
You can book your Angel Healing Journey on the Angelic Connections page. Once you’ve paid and completed the information, including when you are hoping to schedule, I will email you the possible dates for an in person or phone session. When you book your Journey, you will prompted to complete a Disclosure form.
If you are sending questions via email, I will complete your session within one week of confirmation of receipt of payment and questions (unless I am out of the office).
I typically offer Angel Healing Journeys on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the day or late afternoon. I have occasional evening slots and do not offer Journeys on the weekend. Please alert me to your time zone so we may plan accordingly. I am located in New Jersey, Eastern Standard Time.
I offer these Journeys all over the world. They are in English. You can book a Journey and send your questions via email. If I need any clarification, we’ll have an email chat. Once I have everything, I’ll record the Journey within one week’s time (unless I’m out of the office). The approach is fun as the Angels will prompt me to “live stream” the Journey at the perfect time. Once completed, I’ll send you an email with the session recording which you can access and download.
It’s not necessary and here’s why. Once we chat a bit about your questions, I’ll close my eyes and speak as the Angels take you on a journey. Not much to see there. And you want to drop deeply into a meditative, receptive state so that the energy, information, and impressions are absorbed at a deep level. Remember, working at this level of energy does not require the same type of communication as a human conversation. The session will be experienced beautifully any way you do it. And, no. It isn’t better “in person.” That’s why I only connect via telephone or email for these sessions.
Throughout the Journey, the Angels are streaming messages and Divine healing energy. Working in harmony with your body’s wisdom, your Soul’s guidance, and the highest intent for your well-being. As a rule of thumb whenever you receive energy work, you want to allow time for the shifts in your system to integrate. Pay attention to your body and emotions after the Journey. Drink plenty of water, allow yourself to rest if feeling tired, and be easy with yourself.
It’s best not to rush back into life right after your session. Leave an hour to relax, reflect, and slowly move into life. Same for the recording as you always receive Divine energy no matter when you listen. With that said, it should be obvious that you don’t listen to the recording while driving.
I’ll send you the recording of the Journey via email. This will be sent via Mail Drop as it is a large file, therefore it is only available for 30 days. I recommend you immediately download the recorded Journey onto your computer or device so that you may have lifetime access. I am not responsible for storing or resending these recordings.
If you’re having difficulty accessing email or downloading your recording, first see if you have someone to help you with access. You’re likely to have a family member or friend who is tech savvy. Or use Google to access a tutorial. Once you receive your recording, make sure to download it so that you have lifetime access. I am not responsible for storing or resending your Journey.
Don’t listen to the recording while driving! Your Angel Healing Journey may evoke changes in your brain state to activate whole brain synchronization or deep meditative states. You may experience a deep relaxation or even drift off to sleep while listening. If you are a passenger in the car, make sure you use headphones so as not to affect the driver. (This goes for all of my meditation CDs as well!).
You are loved, precious, and deeply worthy. The Angels will likely tell you that, as well as speak of your beauty, competence, and potential. But, I’ll let them go on and on about that. ‘Cause they will. Just remember that you are at choice in your life and intention is so important. Set your intent for the highest Truth, healing, and potential to be offered to you during your Journey. Take the information and do with it what you will. Nothing is written in stone. You have free will and are able to accept or reject any information, no matter the source. You decide what is beneficial and worthy of attention and action in your life. The Angels will offer their gifts. It is up to you to unwrap and make use of them.
I offer Soul Guide sessions to women around the world. We meet individually, in person or via video, to explore your intent to grow spiritually and understand your life from a soul perspective. These sessions are centered on your questions, your belief system, and those areas you feel you need guidance or healing.
My Soul Guide sessions are helpful when you’re ready to live from the level of the soul, align with the universal energy flow, and awaken intuitive skill. Together, we’ll explore your unique Soulful Map which guides your life, work, and spiritual evolution. Sometimes you may just want a tune up session to tweak your spiritual practice or be helped through a rough spot from a spiritual perspective.
You decide the level of your investment in yourself. You can meet for a single session or choose my Soul Guide 6 hour Session Bundle to receive a $100 discount. After all, you’re the expert in your own life and your Soul knows what you need.
Thanks for the question! The simple answer is no. The following sessions fall under the Soul Guide category and are offered through my business, The Energetic Muse LLC: Spiritual Mentoring, AngelicEnergetics session, and Mentoring with Me and the Angels.
Andean Energy Medicine sessions and Angelic Healing Journeys are booked separately (bundle not applicable). They also fall under The Energetic Muse LLC business.
I do offer psychotherapy sessions in my role (and business) as Kathy Milano, PhD LLC. These sessions are not considered Soul Guide Sessions.
Absolutely! We will want to enhance the connection by meeting face to face. I’m all about being present with you and appreciate the visual, live stream contact. If your internet connection is spotty, we can always use the phone as a back up. The only exception are the Angelic Healing Journeys. Read the FAQs above to see the wisdom in this choice.
Not for these. This work is offered for your personal growth, education, and spiritual evolution. Soul Guide sessions are not considered psychotherapy or clinical intervention. I offer this service as a Spiritual Mentor through The Energetic Muse, LLC.
It’s important to know that I am not functioning in the role of psychologist for this service. In our everyday world, I have to honor the boundaries and definition of my professional license, as opposed to the equally important work as spiritual mentor. It’s an interesting dichotomy and opens a discussion that explores how to be in this world and not of it. Know that I’ll still bring you a wealth of knowledge and techniques, perhaps even more so since we’re working freely within the energetic and spiritual dimensions.
Most workshops and retreats are held at Soul Sanctuary in Moorestown, NJ. This beautiful space will welcome, inspire, and inform you. It has become a home for so many lovely ladies. Hope you join us. Occasionally I travel to other locations to offer workshops and retreats.
I also offer workshops and classes on ZOOM. All information about location will be listed clearly on my WholeHearted Workshops page.
Great question. The Art of Becoming and Sacred Feminine classes and retreats are for women. The Sacred Immersion Retreat is also for women.
I do offer workshops or ZOOM events on a variety of topics that are open to anyone. Any of the single ZOOM classes on the Medicine Wheel and Sacred Feminine Mystery are open to everyone.
I’m happy to speak with you about the opportunity. You can get a sense of what I teach by looking at my site, so please check it out before contacting me. If you think I have something to offer your clients, and want me to travel to you, please send me an email. Include as many details about the venue, size of event, topic, compensation, and travel details. If you’d like me to participate in a video webinar, ZOOM meeting, podcast, or written interview, email me those details. Let’s start there and have a chat if we look like a match.
I require payment prior to the actual workshop to secure your space. You can book through my online Shop with Pay Pal account or your own credit card (through Pay Pal without an account). If you would prefer another option, you may pay via Venmo (Kathleen Milano 2).
There are some events at Soul Sanctuary (eg, Chanting or Special Events) where you may sign up ahead of time or pay at the door with cash, check (if local), Venmo, or credit card.
I hope you can make any workshop you sign up for! I’d love to have you. I’d ask that you make sure you can attend before you send payment. My workshops are designed to provide an intimate opportunity for growth, so I often limit the number of attendees. It’s best not to cancel at the last minute as that might keep another lady from attending. If an emergency arises, I will either offer a refund (minus pay pal fees) or offer a credit for a Soul Sanctuary event or Soul Guide session with me. If you do not show up or give ample notice, you forfeit your fee. And I reserve the right to choose either of the above options. Any workshop purchased may be transferrable to another by my discretion and if space is available.
Dress is casual and comfy. Add a sweater or wrap so you’re comfortable with temperature changes in conference center. You’ll spend time outdoors, so pack accordingly. You may choose to wear white for our ceremonies or whatever feels special to you. Bring a blanket, meditation cushion, and yoga mat (if doing yoga). These will come in handy throughout the weekend.
Bring a journal, Angel card deck (I’ll have extras), small crystal to give away, bag of hershey kisses, sacred items for retreater altar (take home with you), 3 $1 bills, and your favorite yummy snack to share. We’re going plastic free, so bring a reusable water bottle. No need for towels or sheets. Everything else you will need will be provided!
We have a focused Seva Project every year. I’ll send details in the preparation email. As an example, the past, we’ve collected art and school supplies for SisterHood. Another year, we brought items for Cranaleith to share with residents of the homeless shelters You’re free to participate in this giving project yet it is not required.
Cranaleith offers a quaint housing experience (imagine going to Grandma’s) with mostly twin occupancy. I will assign your roommate. You may also request to share a room with another retreater if both of you have registered. All Cranaleith housing will be assigned with consideration for the entire group.
You may arrange privately to room with another retreater if you are staying at the Radisson. I am happy to match you with a roommate if one is available. As all housing is first come, first served, it is best to sign up early and share your request with me so I may consider your preference. While I can’t guarantee your request will be met, I will do my best to accommodate your desire.
Your room will be a place to lay your head. The rooms at Cranaleith sell out quickly (usually when registration opens on March 1st) as it is first registered, first choice of housing. The Radisson is close by, comfortable, and easy to arrange car pooling with other retreaters.
The personal and group intent for the retreat is to create a powerful opportunity for transformation. The schedule is full and everything happens on the grounds of Cranaleith. There isn’t a need to return to your room during the day. There is plenty of space to store all belongings. As we are the only group at Cranaleith, there is ample space at the conference center and grounds to meet your need for rest, contemplation, and companionship.
That is perfectly understandable. It takes courage and a strong, soulful intent to venture into the unknown to explore your potential for growth. You will discover a community of women who will welcome you with warmth, interest, and appreciation for what you bring to the group. You are an essential member of the Sacred Immersion and will without a doubt feel this during the weekend. Expect to come home to yourself, your Soul, and a sense of belonging in this community. It happens every time. We’re all waiting for you, so please dive in! Feel free to reach out if you need to chat with me if you’re still on the fence. I understand. You can read about what previous Retreaters have said on my In Her Words page.
Absolutely. I have payment plan options on the retreat page. I’ll work with you to create a personal payment plan if that better suits you. All payment plans must have the retreat and housing paid in full on the date final payments are due (see web page). If you want to use checks, please date them accordingly and mail to me at 110 Marter Avenue, Suite 206, Moorestown, NJ 08057. I’ll cash them on the dates marked on the check.
Registration & personal Labyrinth Walk: 8:30 -9:30am
Morning Gathering: 10 – 12:30
Lunch 12:30 – 1:30
Rest & Reflection 1:30 – 2:30
Afternoon Gathering: 2:30 – 5pm
Dinner: 5:30 – 6:30pm
Evening Gathering: 7 – 10:00 pm
Optional chanting & yoga: 7:00 – 8:15am
Breakfast: 8:00 – 8:45am
Morning Gathering: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Lunch: 12:00 – 1:00pm
Relaxation & Reflection: 1 – 2:00pm
Afternoon Gathering: 2 – 5:00pm
Dinner: 5:30 – 6:30pm
Evening Ceremony: 7:00 – 10:00pm
Optional chanting & yoga: 7:00 – 8:15am
Breakfast: 8:00 – 8:45am
Morning Gathering: 9 – 10:30am
Workshop: 10:45am – 12:45pm
Lunch: 1:00 – 2:00pm
Workshop: 2:15 – 4:15pm
Afternoon Gathering: 4:30 – 5:30pm
Dinner: 5:30 – 5:45pm
Ceremony Preparation: 5:45 – 7pm
Sacred Light Matrix Ceremony: 7 – Midnight
Breakfast: 8:00 – 8:45am
Morning Gathering: 9am – 12:00pm
Lunch: 12:00 – 1:00pm
Afternoon Gathering & Closing Ceremony: 1:00 – 3:30pm
This is your Sacred Immersion, so you may prepare anyway you choose. Tune into your own Soulful guidance to ask how best to prepare. Some retreaters clean up their diet, spend time alone meditating or in nature, or simply take care of work tasks so they feel less pressure while away. You’re welcome to arrive anytime after 8am on Thursday to settle in, enjoy the grounds at Cranaleith, and connect with your fellow retreaters. Do plan to turn off the phone, text, and email during the weekend.
Many retreaters choose to take the day off on Monday to allow their body, mind, energy, and spirit to integrate the many changes they’ve experienced. This weekend is an investment into your life, wellbeing, and the evolution of your Soul. Don’t just squeeze it in to your life. Let your life open to create space for the retreat to work its magic on you in the days and months following your Immersion. Finally, do thank your partner, kids, and colleagues if they are taking on extra duties to free you up for retreat. And remind them you are offline as you take this valuable time to improve your life.
All paintings available in canvas may be shipped anywhere in the continental United States. Once you choose your size canvas, your painting(s) will be shipped via UPS to a street address (no delivery to PO box). The canvas prints are carefully wrapped, boxed, and shipped directly by the manufacturer. Shipping often takes 10 – 14 days, however be patient given everything takes longer due to COVID.
Make sure you enter your address correctly. I am not responsible for orders sent to the wrong location due to an incorrect address given during checkout. Though I don’t expect it to happen, I am not responsible for lost or damaged items. If something arrives damaged, please send me an email with a photo of canvas and package. I will reach out to the manufacturer in an attempt to have a replacement sent to you if the damage warrants this action.
Matted Prints:
5 x 7 – $25
8 x 10 – $40
11 x 14 – $65
Framed Prints:
5 x 5 (10 x 10 frame) $45
8 x 8 (12 x 12 frame) $70
12 x 12 (12 x 12 frame) $70
11 x 14 (20 x 24 frame) $110
Pick up at Soul Sanctuary. Please email me to check availability. No mail option.
If you are local to Soul Sanctuary, email me and we’ll arrange for a pick up of a matted or framed print if it is in stock.
If you aren’t local, please email me to see if I have a 5×7 or 8×10 print in stock. At present, those are the only sizes I can mail. Any size canvas may be shipped.
I hope you love your painting as much as I loved creating it! I don’t accept returns for practical reasons. Each canvas is printed upon order and cannot be returned. Once you choose a matted or framed print, it is yours to enjoy or share with another. As all purchases are final, I hope you pick something you will cherish for years to come.
All orders placed through my website use Pay Pal as the processing method. You may use your Pay Pal account or a credit card without setting up a Pay Pal account. If you are picking up a painting in person, you may pay with cash, credit card, or Venmo. I do not accept checks.
You can certainly send me a request to purchase an original painting. If I’m guided to release it to you, I will. I enjoy the energy of the originals very much as they grace my home and Soul Sanctuary. However, you never know, so feel free to ask me. Please understand if the answer is no. That means the painting (and the embedded teacher or healing energy) is meant to stay with me to do its work. All canvas and prints carry the power of the original intent, so pay attention as your painting will offer you plenty of healing energy as well as beauty!
Visit the Art for your Soul page to learn what materials and printing process I use. You’ll also read a bit about the energetic intent of these paintings. The story of how I discovered I am an Accidental Artist gives you insight into my creative process and how the Art for your Soul collection was birthed.
“All rights reserved” for my Art for your Soul collection means that reproduction, usage, or altering of my artwork is not permitted without permission. Each painting is considered an intellectual property and is protected by copyright law. Please contact me with any request to use my Art for your Soul collection in any way other than to grace your space (including tattoos).
Good eye! That is only on my website, not the painting you will (hopefully) order. It is there to honor my copyright.
Don’t listen to the recording while driving! The meditations may evoke changes in your brain state to activate whole brain synchronization or deep meditative states. You may experience a deep relaxation or even drift off to sleep while listening. If you are a passenger in the car, make sure you use headphones so as not to affect the driver.
Once you purchase the digital CD, you will be provided with the download links for each file. Click on the link and choose where to save the file. There will be one file for each track.
After purchasing the digital download, you will be sent an email confirmation with a link to return to the My Account page. The digital download links remain active in your account for 7 days after purchase. If the MP3 does not download correctly the first time, please feel free to try again.
When downloading the mp3 meditations to a desktop or laptop computer, you will be prompted to choose where to save the files. Please choose a location that is easy for you to find once downloaded.
If you are downloading on a mobile device, the tracks may be placed into your phone’s files, downloads, or music section depending on your type of phone.
Some computers or mobile devices will play the track by default. You may need to right click on a PC, command click on a Mac or hold in the link on a mobile device and choose download.
Sign up for my free Self Soothe Strategy and the Light Globe Meditation on my Free Resources page. You’ll be emailed the download link for the PlayBook and meditations. Many computers or mobile devices will play the track by default, allowing you to listen on your device. This audio play bar will likely have three vertical dots on right. Clicking on those three dots will reveal a Download option. Choose this if you want to download the meditation to your device. Other options may appear: you may need to right click on a PC, command click on a Mac or hold in the link on a mobile device and choose download. Enjoy!
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