Angelic Connections
Empowering Inspired Living
on the Soulful Path
Empowering Inspired Living
on the Soulful Path
I am participating in an Angel Healing Journey with Kathy Milano with full understanding that I requested this session for my personal growth. I understand that while Kathy also works as a psychologist, she does not provide the Angel Healing Journey in psychotherapy nor as a psychologist. This service is not to be construed as psychotherapy or mental health treatment, rather it offers an educational component for me to explore. I understand that the information offered is a reflection of what the angels and my higher self wish me to know, but does not constitute a prediction of my future. I am at full choice about how I make use of this information. Kathy Milano holds no responsibility for how I respond to this information with regard to myself and others in the future. I have been told that there are times when the session does not record in part or full. I accept this as part of the Angelic process knowing that this outcome is part of my unique experience in this session. I agree that portions of my session which include general teaching from the Angels may be shared by Kathy in verbal and written form. I also understand that absolutely no personal identifying information will ever be shared. I understand that I may contact Kathy Milano with questions following this session if I need further clarification or support.
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