Courage at Sea. A Tiny Drama.
When I was invited to join my husband for his business trip to Hawaii, I got busy planning. We could explore the natural beauty of the island.
When I was invited to join my husband for his business trip to Hawaii, I got busy planning. We could explore the natural beauty of the island.
The world of sorrow has a tendency to rush into your awareness. Bombarding your precious heart with news of violence, injustice, and scarcity..
I came home from a super long day hungry and jet lagged, ready to dig into dinner. There was only one problem. The kitchen was empty, as was the fridge.
I had a dream. To be clear, it was a personal dream. It was January, 2020 and I felt a longing to travel arise to see this beautiful world.
I’m so grateful for you and all the good things in my life. Gobble. Gobble. Let’s eat. Thanksgiving offers a cornucopia of gratitude for all things good.
True confession. I’m a book nerd. Reading is one of my great pleasures. I’ve always devoured books and my home overflows with artistic book piles.