I Got My Wings
I got my wings today. No bell chimed. No angelic harmony resounded. They were just handed to me.
I got my wings today. No bell chimed. No angelic harmony resounded. They were just handed to me.
Driving along, I heard AngelicEnergetics™: an integrated Angelic Healing method. Gotta love celestial communication.
It has been 11 years since I opened the doors of Soul Sanctuary. I remember it like yesterday. I was full of enthusiasm. We all were.
Sometimes you are skipping down a path of light. Holding hands with others as your heart blooms large. Feeling the joyful freedom born of connection..
Sometimes you just need a dose of light. Synthesizing Angelic wisdom and heart focused energy healing makes your Soul happy.
I remember when I wondered if I had any Angels around me. In fact, during my first intuitive reading, that was my first question.