In the midst of our country’s woes, I’ve got Lucinda Williams singing in my head.
“You can’t rule me
you wanna go and tell me what’s good for me
you wanna tell me what I’m payin’ for
Well, the game is fixed, it’s plain to see
I ain’t playin’ no more”
What to do when there is no leadership that considers the pressing needs of humanity and the planet?
When those corrupted by greed, power, mental illness, and an absence of a moral compass are making decisions that harm?
It’s not a time to go full ostrich, hide under the covers, and engage the spiritual bypass that harmony reigns in the universe. It’s time to identify the highest ideals by which you will live and act accordingly.
I don’t know what that looks like for you. In fact, how you respond is none of my business. You rule you.
These days, I’m identifying what matters most to me, clarifying what gifts I have to offer, and determining what is mine to do for the benefit of humanity and the planet.
It’s not at all comfortable. Staying engaged within our country at this time is difficult. Considering the current and future impact on our citizens, our global family, and our Mother, Pachamama, can lead to an array of responses.
Fear, overwhelm, anger, grief, and hopelessness.
I hear these responses every day when in conversation with ordinary people who are definitely not representing the top 5% of wealth in our country. I feel these things myself. I allow each of these feeling to flow through me and I honor it as a valid response to the situation I’m exposed to in that moment. And then, I steady myself.
I can’t be of help to anyone if I’m unsteady.
We have enough people wobbling about in the current environment. That makes sense and yet, it is what leaves us all vulnerable to forgetting something incredibly important.
“You can’t rule me. You can’t take my money and try to rule me too.”
When I’m feeling sturdy and connected to my highest ideals, I’m open to a higher guidance. Once that considers how I might improve life in each moment.
It’s no small ask to stay engaged in the midst of the turmoil threatening the wellbeing of so many within the country and around the world. And for some, it’s just not possible right now given the personal challenges that are being navigated. That’s okay and makes sense. If you need to focus strongly on your own wellbeing and access support to make it through a difficult time, you do that. It’s wise to know when to step back from the world.
The rest of us. Well, there’s a call to action.
Systems are breaking, food prices are soaring, human rights are being dismantled, and judging your neighbor is at an all time high. The global and environmental ramifications are staggering as progress unwinds in the face of destruction. In the face of so much potential harm and disruption, it’s hard to know what to do if you’re an ordinary person.
So, I ask you.
What guides you? What values are most important to you and how do you express them in the most practical ways?

That’s where you begin.
Once you’re managing your own tension, you can look beyond yourself to the world. Then you may ask simple questions like “Who needs help?” and “What’s mine to do?” You’re not powerless and every positive thought and action matters to whomever is on the receiving end.
Maybe Bernie Sanders said it best this week. “At this particular moment in history, desperation is not an option. Giving up is not acceptable and none of us have the privilege of hiding under the covers. The stakes are just too high. Let us never forget real change only occurs when ordinary people stand up by the millions to oppression and injustice and fight back.”
There’s a lot at stake. Take a breath. I’m not suggesting that you have to start a fight, lead a movement, or step onto the global stage to right the world’s wrongs. Hey, if you want to do that and are guided that way, go for it.
You decide what you’re capable of before you step up to offer it to others.
We have enough angry activists and people running around with their hair on fire. We need sturdy, mature grown ups, not tantruming toddlers, to show up and share their skill, steady leadership, and soulful connection to humanity.
Martin Luther King, Jr., a master of courageous love, said “The time is always right to do what’s right.” He also reminded us to “let no man pull you low enough to hate him.”
We have enough hate in our world. Let love of humanity and this beautiful planet guide your way.
When you calm your body, drop into your heart, and open your mind, your own wisdom and values will guide you to action.
Let that rule you. The highest authority you can access. Whatever you have to offer, now is the time to begin.
I hope you find a way to bring goodness to this suffering world. Through your positive mindset, prayers, generous actions, and creative partnering with others. Making a difference every day, in your unique way, matters deeply.
Soul Sanctuary is hosting a Better by the Dozen Food Drive benefitting SisterHood in Burlington County. Saturday, March 29th 10am – 2pm.
Renew your Spirit with reike sessions and free group energy healings, meditation, and chanting in a welcoming community. Bring a dozen (or more) of your chosen food item. Small or large, it will all be delivered to SisterHood Families. One caveat – no dollar store food – let’s offer our neighbors the same food we purchase.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

The practice of “stilling” is a way into universal wisdom and your inner clarity. And research proclaims that the benefits for your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing are many. Sitting still or meditating in your fashion each day changes the brain. Growing gray matter, creating new neural pathways, decreasing stress chemicals and increasing immune response. Reducing high blood pressure, soothing symptoms of anxiety and depression, contributing to wellbeing. No matter what is happening, you can take a minute or more to stop, drop in, breathe, and notice. It’s that simple and that beneficial.