Enjoying lunch outdoors last week in Pennsylvania, I realized I was close to the Seva Retreat Center.
Excitement bubbled through me. Ten years ago, I had the benefit of hosting a few of my Angelic Immersion Retreats at Seva. These were precious experiences and I felt a sudden longing to walk onto that property once more. I googled Elstowe Manor (the main mansion) and Chelten House where we held our Immersions to confirm that the property had been sold to a company with plans to create a boutique hotel.
Magnificent plans with no apparent follow through. I wondered if the property was accessible.
It seemed the choice to visit the grounds was already in play so I invited my lunch date to join me. Map quest enhanced the journey as we traveled through beautiful neighborhoods, a magical forest, and glimpsed the occasional house resembling a fairy tale.
The gates were open. Prompting my heart to burst a bit.
While Elstowe Manor is magnificent, it was Chelten House, the site of our retreats, that drew me. I parked my car and stepped onto the driveway. Immediately, my breath deepened as visual images began to flood my inner vision. I felt I had returned to a sacred site. It was a homecoming of sorts.
A beautiful stillness pervaded the space. Poignant in its fullness.
The house was locked up tight yet the grass was cut. Giving the impression that the occupants had stepped out for a bit of lunch. We wandered around the building as I shared stories of our retreats while peeking in windows and standing on open air porches.
The wonder of those Angelic Immersions was upon me in full force.
After our exploratory window peeking tour, my partner in adventure headed home. I let myself wander through this stillness, feeling the peace of nature and the balm of the beautiful setting. I moved slowly as inner movies revealed memories of the women and men who attended the Angelic Immersion Retreats. These lovely people who contributed so much to the experience, allowing it to gain a richness far beyond my original intent.
I felt truly amazed at the enormity of the impact of four short days immersed together.
With those who shared the intent to retreat from the everyday world in order to explore a personal connection with the Divine. The Angelic realm guided every step of these journeys. Bringing forth healing, connection, deep transformation, and a renewed sense of joy. Scenes of the transformation occurring throughout the retreat played nonstop, paired with evidence of continued evolution in these lives since the gatherings.
I realized how much I had trusted the Immersion process (and continue to do so).
How fully I let myself be led by the Divine as I facilitated the process. I was shown the seeds that were laid for my own growth and the work that evolved for me to share. Flooding me with gratitude, delight, and so much love. I witnessed the trust of these Retreaters as they entered every teaching, activity, and ceremony. And how this enabled me to become more receptive to the Divine information flowing through me.
I saw how much I had learned from each Retreater. And how much more there is to receive.
My heart seemed to have lost its boundary and my being was filled only with love and appreciation. I went to the labyrinth to walk my gratitude and prayers for all who participate in the Immersion Retreats (past and present). This was fitting as we begin and end every Immersion with a ceremony at the labyrinth
I arrived at a weed filled, neglected labyrinth. And it was singing.

Welcoming me to recognize the Presence that awaits beyond every form for the partnership of walking in grace together.
I stood for some time as I processed the physical manifestation of neglect. The mind translating this with sorrow and as a representation of the neglect of Spirit.
Here in this abandoned labyrinth. And in the thirsty souls populating our imbalanced world.
Yet, the labyrinth was singing. I let go of my mind and entered the weeds with deep gratitude. Immediately I was shown a new practice for walking in the labyrinth. Shaking up some of my patterns and leaving me a bit freer. Walking in was for me. Walking out was for the Retreaters. It was beautiful and my time “retreating” there was complete.
I left renewed. Grateful, inspired, and in love.
Remembering the power of these Immersions to offer the perfect opportunity for personal transformation. Recognizing that I have so much more to receive, I look forward to our June Angelic Immersion with delight. I love the sacred space at Cranaleith Retreat Center and know the power that arises from our time together. This year holds a special sweetness as June 13th is our first live gathering in 15 months.
I invite you to spend a day immersing with the Angels, the natural beauty of Cranaleith, and the women who gather. Come home to yourself. We await your presence.
It’s time to register for the June 13th Angelic Immersion Retreat. Purposely kept to an intimate gathering with Cranaleith COIVD safety protocols in place. Details may be found on my Retreat Page.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Paying it forward. Acts of kindness serve you on many levels. Research shows they produce feel good chemicals, boosting mood and a positive affinity for your fellow humans. The world could use a bit more positive affinity from one member of the human family to another. In many wisdom traditions, the practice of sacred service is in play. Tithing or gifting, not as a practice of morality or to please a distant God, but as a grateful recognition that Life is abundant. Divine Nature is rich and overflowing. Longing to be shared. I just received a surprise, secret tithe. It touched me deeply. The consideration and the practice. Arising in me is a desire to pay it forward. There is more than enough. Let’s share, shall we?