Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mangalam Shri Maha Pani Svaha
This Sanskrit chant to invoke Tara sounds like a mouthful, but it’s well worth exploring and soon becomes second nature to sing.
Tara is the most beloved female deity in Tibetan Buddhism. She may be described simply as an accessible mother. A feminine Buddha who personifies compassion and wisdom, freely offering Her embrace and these qualities to all who seek Her.
An unconditionally loving Mother deity, Tara has many faces. She may appear as a strong protector, sweet nurturer, fierce motivator, and benevolent healing presence.
If your curiosity is tickled, you may dive into the 21 Taras. Yup, 21 Taras, each presenting uniquely in name, form, mantra, attribute, and practice.
You don’t have to practice Buddhism or be a yogini to seek the compassionate wisdom of Tara.
As with every archetypal energy known as a deity or guide, you may simply call upon this compassionate, wise Mother “Tara” to establish your own personal relationship. I’m a bit partial to the 12th Tara recently for two practical reasons.
First, I find myself soothed and transported to a space of loving presence by chanting Om Tara Tuttare along with Deva Premal and India Arie.
The blending of the devotion, open hearts, and beautiful voices of these women invoke Tara’s gift of bringing harmony to the planet.
This is a sacred mantra sung with the intent of climate balancing since one of Tara’s “jobs” is to regulate the seasons and prevent natural disasters.
Here’s the second (very cool) thing. With every streaming of this Om Tara (climate balancing) chant on whatever music platform you use, a donation is made to 4ocean. This organization was founded by 2 surfers who were dismayed by the amount of plastic in the ocean in Bali. As the ocean deposited humanity’s plastic trash on the not so pristine Bali beaches, a movement was born.
4ocean hires fisherman around the world to“fish” plastic out of the ocean.
As beaches and waterways are cleaned, local crews are employed full time with fair wages, health insurance, incentives, and community education.
All funded with partnerships, donations, and recycled plastic products and 4ocean signature bracelets for sale.
I’m singing the plastic out of the ocean thanks to Deva, India, and Spotify.
As I write, I’m chanting this beautiful mantra.
Spotify is playing it on repeat. As I begin again (and again), I envision committed people removing pounds of plastic that never should’ve been dumped, dropped, or blown into the ocean in the first place.
I envision turtles, jellyfish, krill, and whales swimming freely through plastic free oceans. Eating their natural diet instead of synthetic trash.
While I’m invoking this compassionate Mother Tara, the waters in my body are harmonized. My imaginative dreaming conspires with my heart to call forth a future Earth that is healthy for all creatures, turtles and humans alike.
I’m a bit tickled by the sweet synchronicity of this chance to stream and donate.
Here’s why. Last year, my family chose to plant trees for everyone’s birthdays and celebrations. We planted over 1500 baby trees in Haiti, Peru, and the Amazon. All doing their part to restore balance to our ecosystem. This year, we’re celebrating by pulling pounds of plastic out of the ocean with our donations to 4ocean. (Spoiler alert, birthday peeps.) You can learn more in the HeartWarming News below.
In the meantime, I’m chanting harmony within my body and whatever environment I’m inhabiting in the moment.
Remembering the wise adage: to change the outer world, you must first change your inner world.
As I sing, I trust that compassionate Tara-like ripples are traveling wherever they are needed.
As I use less plastic and pick up trash blowing through parking lots and hiking trails, I think “Om Tara” and feel gratitude for those 4 Ocean angels who are doing the same in oceans, rivers, and beaches around the world.
If you want to join me for some live Om Tara chanting next Thursday, May 18th, come to Soul Sanctuary to chant within the Light Cathedrals (click Blue Box for details).
Anywhere you live, remember that you don’t have to be a yogi or even chant to stream this beautiful music that funds ocean clean up. This chant also creates beautiful background music to harmonize your inner environment, office, and home. Search for Tara Mangalartha Mantra (Climate Balancing) by Deva Premal and India Arie. Hit repeat and float within harmony.
In fact, you don’t have to chant with Tara, pick up trash, or donate to 4ocean to bring harmony to our shared planet.
You be you. However you settle into peace, ripple goodness, or contribute to a sustainable planet is wonderful. The only challenge I’ll offer is to up your game. That’s my intent and I’d love to know we’re making an even bigger difference together this year.
While we’re celebrating Great Mothers like Pachamama and Tara, I’ll wish all of you a Happy Mother’s Day.
Whether you’re responsible for raising a child or engaged in the very human task of nurturing one another, I hope you celebrate yourself.
Mothering matters.
I hope you become a really great mother to yourself so you can get busy nurturing, respecting, and empowering others to be uniquely and perfectly great in their own way.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

4ocean is a conscious company committed to the wellbeing of the planet, marine life and ecosystems, and local communities. They serve 12 locations including Indonesia, Guatemala, Florida (Osbourne Reef), and Hawaii. They’ve recovered 28, 778, 685 pounds of trash so far. The average person uses 9 pounds of single use plastic a month. You can both reduce your plastic usage and pay 4ocean to “pull pounds” or order a 4ocean recycled bracelet to remind you of your commitment. Learn more at