I used to read and sing the 12 Days of Christmas to my daughter as part of our holiday tradition.
I haven’t heard that song on the radio this year. That’s surprising. I guess all stations are too busy playing “Last Christmas I Gave you My Heart” by Wham! Without fail, every time I’m in the car, that song comes on. Twice if I’m going any distance. Okay, enough bah humbug and trash talking Wham!
Deep in meditation the other night, I saw a list write itself in light. It was entitled “12 Days of Gratitude.”
The jingle bells, wrapping paper, and flying reindeer faded away in that moment. As I watched this list, I felt it deeply. As if the light was writing through every distraction to remind my very cells what was most important.
I’m sending out my list like a big Thank You Note to you who read this. And to all who never will see these words, I hope they feel the warmth in my heart.
1. The beautiful wisdom of all things Divine and my Soul which never fails to guide me, when I remember to listen and when I’ve forgotten. Showing me that Life holds more than I can now know. Inviting me always to venture deeper into the imaginal crucible of creation.
2. My little family, crazy dog included, for so many years of love, support, and traveling through life’s ups and downs together. May we continue to grow in a way that supports our individual and collective happiness and purpose in life.
3. My bigger family. To those who birthed and raised me, my heart overflows with love and gratitude. For all who’ve been here and gone, live near and far, and are related by blood or love, I’m better for your presence.
4. My friends who create a community of love, support, wisdom, laughter, and shared adventures. Those who were, are now, and are yet to arrive. I’m blessed to be accepted for who I am and inspired to grow into what they see in me.
5. Soul Sanctuary and this beautiful community who has contributed to the sacredness of this space. Inspiring us all to learn more, offer more, and reveal more of our essential nature. And for the many spiritual communities who nourish me in this work.
6. The Mystery. This mythical, magical Divine space back behind the world I know through my small perception. As It beckons and I stumble along this Path, I have an inkling that there is so much more. And I am here, available to where this Path will lead me.
7. My many teachers. Spiritual teachers. Indigenous Wisdom teachers. Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine teachers. Etheric Angelic and Feminine teachers. I’ve learned so much and hope to impart some of the knowledge these wise beings have generously offered me.
8. Pachamama, the natural world, and especially the forests. The reconnection, beauty, delight, and inspiration I receive when in nature makes me wonder why I don’t spend the majority of my time quietly communing with this great teacher – healer. May I attend to Her wellbeing for the rest of my days.
9. The ease in which I live in this abundant, convenient life. Ever aware that I was born in a place on the planet that afforded me the opportunity to be safe, fed, housed, educated, and nurtured. To have the freedom to move around the world while I live my aspirations and support others to do the same in a way that is deeply meaningful.
10. My shared opportunities to give to and receive from Love Orphanage family in Haiti, SisterHood in Burlington City, NJ, and many other communities. So much good flowing from you and generous souls like you to these worthy neighbors and human family members. Reminding me of the importance of love and generosity in all directions.
11. My own meandering, adventure of a life path. For the wisdom that has guided me well through the peaks and valleys, joys and sorrows, shadow and light. May I remember that this life is precious and recommit daily to be worthy of such a gift.
12. For what is to come. Walking into the unknown with as much awareness on the vast cosmic potential that I can muster in this holy moment of now. And now. And now.
May your 12 Days of Gratitude list write itself in you and through you anytime of the year.
So the generosity of a full, grateful hearts overflow into this world so worthy of attention.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Writing a gratitude letter to someone has valuable benefits. Many college psychology students are given this assignment when studying the impact of gratitude. But you don’t need a college degree to understand the benefits. Reflection allows you to explore times in life you were aided by another. It could be a big thing or a tiny action, personal or viewed from afar. Feeling gratitude is good for your overall wellbeing. Same for those in receivership. Communicating about your gratitude inspires you (and them) to reflect and act from a place that serves others and the world. You aren’t doing it alone. So grab a pen and send that letter.(Yup, the old fashioned kind with a stamp.)