I can relax now. I feel like my Soul has come Home.”
Nourish your Whole Self
Mind, Body, and Spirit
Where you are surrounded by beauty, a felt sense of peace, and kindred spirits. A space that naturally soothes your
insecurities, ignites your sense of belonging, and rejuvenates every part of you.
Imagine a Sanctuary for your Soul which invites you to come as you are, no matter how vulnerable or powerful you may feel in any moment. To discover a community that celebrates your growth and encourages you to pursue dreams that really mean something.
I relate to Soul Sanctuary as a conscious intelligence that generously informs all transformational work here. A beautiful teacher who empowers you to embrace and reveal your own luminosity. And I’m not the only one who notices.
A community of wise women have been gathering here for years.
Some visit briefly, others have made it a home for their mythic journey. All are welcomed as beautiful souls who share a unique contribution. The common denominator is a deep inner commitment to walk the evolutionary path of the emerging soul. A desire to live from the heart with great courage, compassion, and clarity. To discover and share innovative soul-utions to enhance life on the planet. I’ve learned so much from these women. And this sacred space. We all have.
There is a bit of mystery available for you here at Soul Sanctuary. Whenever you walk through the door, the energy of the space opens for you. As if Life Itself catches your attention, revealing the perfect message at the perfect time.
It happens naturally that you discover Soul Sanctuary to be an oracle.
You may wander around the rooms gently noticing the many altars, writing on the walls, paintings, and books. Or listen to the music, the conversations around you, and your inner voice. Feeling the deep relaxation or body tingles as the healing energy harmonizes your system. Realizing the perfect guidance as it arises to offer you solace and soul-utions.
It’s practical, this magic. Just like how Soul Sanctuary dreamed itself into being so it could be here to welcome, serve, and guide you forward.
I was alone in my office on a hot July evening. My internal rant about a busy schedule and never ending To Do list was interrupted by a simple question.
“Who’s in charge of your schedule?”
“Well, that would be me.” As if a lightbulb went off, I realized I wasn’t dealing with issues of productivity or time management. I was experiencing a serious deficit of Soulful guidance.
I took the hint, freed up my Friday schedule, and headed to the NJ Grounds for Sculpture. This is one of my favorite natural spaces filled with acres of beautiful gardens, sculptures of all varieties, ponds, peacocks, vast lawns, and hidden trails.
It’s a magical place – perfect for dreaming.
I was alone in my office on a hot July evening. My internal rant about a busy schedule and never ending To Do list was interrupted by a simple question.
“Who’s in charge of your schedule?”
“Well, that would be me.” As if a lightbulb went off, I realized I wasn’t dealing with issues of productivity or time management. I was experiencing a serious deficit of Soulful guidance.
I took the hint, freed up my Friday schedule, and headed to the NJ Grounds for Sculpture. This is one of my favorite natural spaces filled with acres of beautiful gardens, sculptures of all varieties, ponds, peacocks, vast lawns, and hidden trails.
It’s a magical place – perfect for dreaming.
Over the course of 12 Fridays, my sketch book was filled with designs, ideas, images, and instructions. Room by room, image by image, suggestion by suggestion, something was dreaming itself onto these pages. I didn’t understand what was happening, but knew I didn’t need to.
It appeared a Sacred Space was being designed.
Which seemed kinda crazy at the time (said my mind). And it felt clear and true (said my heart and Soul). Mostly, I had a delightful time coloring in nature and eating lunch with the peacocks.
Until I didn’t.
When my mind would activate, it was severe. (Who did I think I was to take an entire day to color and dream? With the occasional nap on a blanket. I was an adult! I should be working, earning, producing, being responsible.)
I spent the days in between my Friday adventures deconstructing the stories I had been living by and diving deeply into an authenticity that wanted to blossom.
I began to feel freer. Lighter. Happier. And really, really productive.
And then it ended. As if someone pulled the plug. So, I put that book full of dreams and instructions up on the shelf and went back to working in my office on Fridays.
Driving to meet friends, I was minding my business when a torrential storm engulfed me. The night was calm. The storm was within. Waves of emotion crashed through me. Tears poured down my face. I gasped for breath.
In my mind’s eye, a vision flashed quickly:
I pulled over, my body shaking. Intense seems inadequate to describe that inner ruckus. I felt as if my insides had been rearranged. As I caught my breath and dried my tears, I held that image.
And knew it was time to reopen “the book.”
A place of beauty, comfort, and nourishment. A space for people to gather for healing, community, and expansion. That evening I committed to seek a space that would serve this dream.
Two weeks later, I signed the lease on a space 6x the size of my therapy office.
Every detail of Soul Sanctuary was given to me in that sketchbook, a vision, or via synchronicity. My own ideas were frequently replaced with a more beautiful outcome. I woke up to images of how to arrange the art, the altar spaces, and the painted messages throughout the space. I was guided to find the perfect furniture and objects to place in this emerging Sanctuary.
It was if I had celestial help. Oh yeah. I did.
I now understand that Soul Sanctuary was consciously designed to partner with my work as a therapist, soul guide, and teacher.
To provide the harmonized, positive energy which nurtures your healing, connection, and expansion. To welcome you to a community of women seeking to live an empowered life where luminosity, joy, and sacred connection are an everyday occurrence.
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