I was back at the Apple store. In the mall. During holiday shopping season.
For someone who doesn’t shop much nor go to the mall during holiday season, here I was (again) at the Apple store. Second round of checking out why only one of my Air Pods worked. My original pair was fading and only the left pod worked. So I purchased a new pair only to discover that the right pod didn’t connect.
A cheerful Apple Elf set me up with an appointment with a Genius who would resolve my issue.
Any time I can work with a Genius, I’m in. Although I balked when told I’d have to wait over an hour for the next available smarty pants. Truth be told, I panicked a bit. What was I going to do in a mall for over an hour with all of these shoppers? Realizing the absurdity of my response, I accepted the gift of an appointment and set off to complete my one errand. I quickly remembered what I learned in my college marketing class.
Macy’s is filled with bright, shiny objects. All of which are arranged to call your name.
“Look at me! Pick me up! Take me home!” I found it fascinating how my mind was seeking something to buy, even as I ran the gauntlet of perfume bearing ladies wanting to spray me. After all, an hour to kill in the mall was an invitation to browse. Yet, I didn’t need anything and I didn’t fancy the lure of buying something for a quick oxytocin hit.
If browsing was out, perhaps I could get some extra steps in by walking the mall.
I knew that was a thing, mall walking. Unsurprisingly I had a full body shudder and a big fat no to that suggestion. Starbucks beckoned with the sound of blending and shaking, seemingly in rhythm with the holiday music. Another no. So, I stood still and waited to discover how I’d spend my hour.
A gentle voice from within suggested a preposterous idea.
“Why not sit on that couch over there?” In the midst of strolling shoppers, a small oasis of artistically positioned couches beckoned. With a seat that was not only free and calling my name, but facing the Apple store.
And then, I remembered.
This Season is Sacred
I sat down. Smiled at my neighbors who didn’t notice ’cause they were on their phones.
I breathed deeply as I tuned into the loving vibration that underlies all of life. Sacred in every moment and every movement.
Once connected, I radiated love and appreciation. I mean I littered the shit out of that busy mall. Spewing light, joy, and smiles in every direction.
Once I felt the momentum had a life of its own, I checked out my neighbors.I shared a smile with my couch mate, a slouching teen in a hoodie, as we laughed at a serious toddler stalled in the midst of the moving crowd. It was entertaining and refreshing to notice how a parent let a kid be curious and people slowed down for some sweet, humorous interactions.
With more time on my hands, I shared my holiday party photos with some “love you” texts.
Here I was in the mall, on a couch, absorbed in my phone, grinning like a maniac. I had this lovely warm feeling inside. Kinda like how the Grinch felt after he encountered that little genius, Cindy Lou Who.
“Maybe Christmas,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.”
My time on the couch was complete. I took my LightBody into the cheery Apple store and met my Genius. Turns out the right pod was kaput. As she went off to get my replacement, it struck me.
My left pod, representing the Feminine, was active. Inviting me to become still, be receptive, and nourish myself directly from the Source of all things Sacred.
My right pod, representing the Masculine, suggested I tune out the outer world with its bright, shiny lure. So I could turn within to explore what was happening beneath the surface. Apparently, it took my failing Air Pods, two trips to the mall, an hour wait, and an empty couch to help me sit still and soak in the Sacred.
I hope you hear that inner call to let the glitter of the Season be delightful without obscuring the obvious.
Life is Sacred. All the time. Enjoy all the beauty, meaningful connections, and love you can radiate this holiday. Have fun giving and receiving your presents, stuffing your face, and laughing with strangers. When the going gets tough as loneliness or family stress surfaces, drop into the Light that always radiates.
Its nourishing Presence knows that YOU are already shiny and bright.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

There’s nothing wrong with shopping in the mall. I did my own research on that couch and watched happy people laden down with bags. Radiating happiness and laughter. Lots of shiny and bright couples and families. I also noticed some stressed out ladies (head down, walking fast). I bet they have “a list” and aren’t enjoying being the only elf in the family. And the expected crying kids and frustrated parents. That’s a given in any mall. Just remember this. Buying stuff that costs more than you can afford to please your sense of obligation or boost your self perception isn’t the greatest gift you can give yourself.