Holiday music seems strange this year.
As if the holly jolly bustle is a distant memory. In the absence of large family gatherings, shopping sprees, and holiday parties, the world is quieter. Perhaps this is why it took me by surprise when I heard the holiday music in the hair salon. Christmas was coming.
I heard this musical invitation to meaningfully prepare for this holiday.
The world is different so it makes sense that this holiday will be different. I’m using this awareness as a springboard into meaningful action. Preparing for the dark, colder winter, I’m interested in creating light, warmth, and comfort in my home. To bring cheer into my environment in a way that looks and feels beautiful.
Decorating my home for the holidays became an act of love rather than a routine change in decor.
The outdoor lights were different this year as new tiny bushes replaced the old. Inviting a discussion about how to create beauty and pleasure outdoors. To bring light to the night in a conscious way. And celebrate the loveliness of a simpler presentation.
Our family gift giving shifted this year to a pollyanna as the “kids” had grown up.
Another change. Reflecting the transformations our world is going through. Thanksgiving heralded the tiny family gatherings, connected briefly by ZOOM. I noticed the light, warmth, and enjoyment represented by each square on my computer.
I sensed plans for Christmas following the same path.
Sprinkled with the appreciation of togetherness while we are separate. The comfort of sharing time, love, and pleasure with those in the room. Even when alone. Zooming cheer to those further away.
I sought the beauty beneath the expected commercial promotion of the Christmas holiday.
I saw how decorations, parties, and gifts honored the connections between friends and family. Offering lovely traditions and meaningful time spent together. Increasing the warmth within and between us. With the simplification of holiday activity, the presence of love and gratitude emerges powerfully through conscious sharing and caring.
The natural brilliance emerging from heartfelt connection outshines the artificial lights of the season.
Inviting us to go deeper within to commune with the Light that is alive in our hearts. Breathing with the energy of Love and the consciousness of the Christed One which flows to, through, and from us. This Light which honors and welcomes all traditions with all of their trimmings.
Beauty, warmth, comfort await us when dropping into the embrace of this Light.
Reminding us to view the twinkling lights, cheery music, and rituals of gathering and giving as an outward expression of this love. To welcome the quiet simplicity of my moments and intentionally refrain from the busyness of past holidays.
In the midst of all this upheaval, kids still expect Santa to come.

That’s why I’m collecting toys for the SisterHood families this year. This is the 20th year that friends, families, and communities have gathered with me to provide holiday gifts.
20 years. That’s a wonder in and of itself. The parents served by SisterHood in Burlington City are the working poor or the grandparents raising grandchildren on a fixed income.
I don’t know what it’s like to live with such scarcity. Another reason to be grateful.
I do know what Reverend Hilda, founder of SisterHood, and her volunteers report to me about the positive impact of the gifts we deliver. The feedback is mostly about the parents’ relief and gratitude.
Tremendous relief and tremendous gratitude.
It’s full of stories of how they feel cared for by a community of people they’ve never met who offer their children quality gifts. Not cheap dollar store trinkets, but toys that last. Toys like peers at school receive. Peers who aren’t living on the edge.
Anonymous giving offers the parents the choice to both play Santa and to give a gift to their child.
Choice offers respect for these neighbors who are making their way in the world. I don’t know the 250 kids who are served by our community’s giving. I trust their parents and grandparents know just what to do with our donations.
I love the idea of gifting respect, relief, and choice to the parents of SisterHood.
This year, I’ve learned from Reverend Hilda that many organizations are not gifting due to COVID. We’ve always been the largest donor to SisterHood’s holiday gift drive. Perhaps this year is more vital than the past 19 years.
Everything is rearranged this year, so it makes sense to do things different.
There are two ways to donate. You may drop off gifts to Soul Sanctuary or donate money and I’ll shop for you.
Sidewalk drop off dates: Monday, December 14th & Wednesday, December 16th. 11am – 7pm. Drop off new toys and gifts for ages 1 – 15.
Soul Sanctuary is closed these days, but I’ll be in there during those hours on video sessions. I’ll secure your gifts throughout the day.
Monetary donations: If you want me to shop, please gift all donations by Friday December 18th. Reach out to me if you need details.
We are delivering to SisterHood on Sunday, December 20th, so Friday 12/18 is an absolute deadline.
I deeply appreciate your support and thank you on behalf of SisterHood staff, volunteers, and parents.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Urban forests are in danger. Losing an average of 36 million trees per year. A pilot program from the US Forest Service and Vermont’s spatial analysis lab created a sophisticated land cover mapping system overlaying tree data with city data. In Baltimore, temperature, crime, and use of heat or air conditioning reduced when the tree canopy increased! Monitoring the health of existing trees as a city investment and new plantings may help cities can recover urban forests, decrease energy use, and save millions of dollars.