The term “medicine” in many indigenous traditions refers to spiritual healing. Inviting you to return to wholeness and right relationship within your spirit, body, emotions, and energy. Extending this harmony to how you relate to others, Pachamama, and all creatures. To invite an understanding that who you are and what you do matters deeply to the wellbeing of the planet now and in the future.
This understanding immediately differentiates between healing and cure. While someone may be cured of a disease, they may not experience healing. Or they may experience a spiritual healing which enables them to live and die differently while the disease remains present. When you include the term energy, this refers to a focus upon, and intervention on, the energy body.
The shamans are in the lineage of the Andean tradition of the Q’ero Medicine Men and Women. In the mountainous part of Peru, they are referred to as the Paqos or Medicine People. They live in Peru and serve individuals, communities, and groups with a variety of services. They are very open, loving shamans who follow their calling to support all people and Pachamama to live in harmony.
The word “shaman” originally came from the healers in Siberia (“saman”) and means “one who knows.” That term has travelled the world and is commonly accepted to describe a wide variety of medicine traditions.
The Andean Energy Medicine focuses upon clearing the energy field. This approach, similar to healing in traditional Chinese medicine or Indian Ayurvedic medicine, suggests that supporting energetic clarity in the body allows the body’s natural natural healing mechanisms to arise. In a view which treats the body as a comprehensive energetic-physical-emotional-spiritual system, intervention at the level of energy affects all levels.
As a result of growing up human, your energy field stores the dense energy that it was unable to process due to trauma and ordinary stressors you encountered. Energy medicine traditions view undigested energy as a disruption to the natural flow of your life essence. Creating what you experience as discomfort, dis-ease, and repetitive patterns that interfere with physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.
The intent of every healing session is simple. Clear the dense energy and emotions, upgrade the light body, and awaken the inner potential for wellbeing to emerge. Your intent, body’s wisdom, and energy field guide your personal experience.
Of course, nothing is guaranteed and you are at total choice how you live what you’ll be learning and experience. You may come with any intent you chose to the Seeding the Light Gathering and a private Shaman Healing Session. My suggestion is to stay open to every possibility and trust your capacity to heal, transform, and awaken to your Soul’s calling.