If you feel the call of this invitation, please join us without concern about any level of knowledge, experience, or direct relationship with the Feminine. For those who are new to working with these Archetypal Mothers, fluid energy, and embodied mysticism, you’ll have a distinct advantage as a “Novice.” The Angels and Mothers suggest the best way to enter the Path of the Mystical Feminine is to be open, curious, and willing to explore whatever shows up. So, you’re all set.
Ladies who have some familiarity or are intimately engaged with the Sacred Feminine Archetypes are welcome. Bring your deep grounding into this Way of Living which will enhance our Journey together. With that said, you’ll be asked to enter each Journey anew. The Angels and Mothers ask us all to become “Know Nothings.” This allows you to be present to the “current” information (energy) that is streaming through you and the class. Rather than have a preconceived notion of the Archetypal energy or how you may engage Her, when you enter as a “Curious Child Scientist,” you become teachable.
Many women have taken multiple classes, visiting with the same Archetypes, only to discover yet another depth of wisdom emerging. That’s also my experience – the relationship with these Archetypes always deepens without fail. One of my personal delights is to recognize that the Wisdom Nuggets shared by those new or deeply familiar with these Mothers are equal in their beneficial and often profound impact on all of us.
Every Journey is “live streamed” and reveals new information, additional Archival resources, and the opportunity to explore previously digested material at a deeper level. There are many ladies who have been around the Wheel, meeting all or some of the Archetypes multiple times. As they have experienced, there is no end to the information flowing through the Mystical Mothers. You may read more about their experience on my webpage In Her Words.