I needed to make a few new keys for Soul Sanctuary.
Three keys to be precise. I needed them this week, so I cancelled my pedicure to fit in a quick trip to Home Depot. The key lady was helpful and challenging. She asked me if I wanted to know something about sunflowers since I picked a key with that design.
“Yes. Tell me.”
I proceeded to receive a barrage of questions “Do you know why ….” to which my answer was always “no.” The interesting information being delivered was interspersed by comments about how stupid and lazy people are because they don’t do research on their own.
I breathed deeply as the questioning and commentary became intense.
“No, tell me. No, teach me.” I was a bit battered, but also a wee bit interested even while I was dodging verbal shrapnel. Among other things, I learned the best place to plant a garden and to not to plant vegetables until the soil is 55 degrees. Do you need a “soil thermometer?” Nope. Just check the ocean temperature which is within 1 to 2 degrees of soil temperature. Fascinating. (Don’t take my word for it. I learned it’s best to do your own research.)
I left with 3 beautiful keys, a few facts, and a need to breathe deeply.
When I got to work the next day, none of my keys worked. I put that errand aside as I was running a retreat out of town. Returning on Sunday night, I picked up the dog, returned to Soul Sanctuary to unpack my retreat materials and headed home for a late dinner. Pulling into the garage, I realized I needed those keys and only had 40 minutes until Home Depot closed for the evening.
Tired and hungry, I headed out into the dark night.
I was helped promptly and in silence. It was a peaceful, easy venture into this massive store. I left with three new keys, feeling all was well and in good order.
Monday morning arrived and none of the keys worked.
I headed to the local wise man – Eddie – who has taken care of every maintenance issue for Soul Sanctuary for the past 10 years. “Don’t go to Home Depot, go to the local Moorestown hardware store!” He gave me directions, but I couldn’t picture the location. Someone else told me of another hardware store which was convenient and known to me. Off I went to that which was familiar.
I chose 3 different designs, paid more money, and returned to Soul Sanctuary to find the keys didn’t work. Not a one.
At this point I figured out that this had something to do with me. I was locked out of Soul Sanctuary. Just as it was opening for others. Just as I was stepping onto a new path in my personal journey. Hmmm. I started Treasure Mapping backwards to notice the clues.
First key: I was shown to listen carefully, be a know nothing, and be teachable.
Second key: I left the comfort of home to go out in the dark night even when hungry and tired.
Third key: I sought wise counsel, but ignored it in favor of seeking a familiar place over the unknown.
I went back to Eddie. Determined to listen. I had to search for him as he had moved locations. He shook his head and gave me the same directions. That unfamiliar hardware store was easy to find and surprisingly interesting. When explaining what happened, this kind man suggested taking one key to make sure it worked.
Nothing fancy this time, just a basic $2 key.
I searched for Eddie as he was on the move again. More seek and find.
He was surprised and went to get the office duplicate keys. “Come on,” he said, “let’s solve this mystery.” (Told you he was a wise man. He knew something was going on.) The new key didn’t work. His office keys worked. My key worked.
“Let me see all the keys.”
The new key didn’t match the office key. “It’s a different key! It doesn’t match up.” Eddie exclaimed. My key matched the new key which didn’t work. My key matched the office key which did work. Eddie shook his head. “This is a mystery, but these things happen to you and Soul Sanctuary.” And Eddie the Wise Man handed over the two office keys that worked. “Take these.”
Fourth key: Mystery happens. Be alert and open to what beckons along the Path without needing to solve or understand everything that happens.
Fifth key: When a Wise Man offers help, accept it.
When life offers a challenge, mild or grand, you are at choice. You may view the situation at the level of the mundane world or to recognize an unfolding of some intelligent guidance pointing to something you can not yet see. And written in a language that is difficult to translate. Offering guidance in various forms to point you to the next step.
As you navigate challenges in the material world, remember to seek the deeper invitation, which is often delivered via code, hidden keys, and unfamiliar maps.
If you’re interested in developing the skill of Treasure Mapping for clues, please join me on Saturday April 23rd.
You’ll playfully discover Soul Sanctuary to be a wise oracle which partners with your intuitive nature to offer guidance for your life. Link and details in the blue box below.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Many cognitive scientists argue that intuitive and analytic thinking shouldn’t be viewed as opposites. Studies indicate that decision-making often works best when blending both strategies. Whether you rely on analysis of data or trust your gut to make a decision depends on a variety of factors, such as the simplicity or the complexity of the problem and your past experiences with similar situations. Economics Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman theorizes that intuitive thinking is faster than a rational approach but more prone to error.