“I fell asleep and missed part of the meditation.”
That’s a pretty common statement at my workshops and retreats when I guide the group in a meditation or journey. Even when participants intend to stay relaxed and alert, they may find themselves drifting off into the Land of Nod.
It begs the question, are you just really that tired or is there something else going on?
That question surfaced last night as I enjoyed dinner on my deck. The weather was perfect and my newly potted flowers delighted my senses. It was a free for all night, so I had my plate and was ready to dig in before my husband.
Sitting alone, I looked forward to exploring a book about a Goddess who was calling my attention.
While I knew who She was, I hadn’t really paid her much mind over the years. A mention here or there, and a nod of acknowledgement if someone mentioned Her. Yet here She was, subtly present and a bit mysterious. Over the past two weeks, Her name appeared in my thoughts and emerged as my own voice called Her name.
I thought I was inviting Her into conversation, yet She remained quiet.
Her energy arriving in the night as if she were beckoning me closer. Not saying anything. In fact, there was no identifiable conversation beyond a statement of Her name. For me, so used to talking with celestial beings, this was different.
A bit of a mystery that wouldn’t reveal another clue.
So, I ordered a book focused upon Her story which was filled with devotional writing and prayers. It arrived yesterday and I felt a sense of anticipation as I settled in to eat and read. Beyond a few facts I didn’t know, I found the collection of prayers and descriptions stilted. They left me flat.
I was seeking a living mystery and I encountered other people’s dead prose.

Two details left me filled with wonder and appreciation. Her intent and Her miracle.
I’m not one who generally entertains saints or deities like this, but these two details revealed an intent of connection, sustenance, and belonging which has sustained for centuries. I felt an abiding gratitude to this mythic Goddess who could unite and nourish disparate peoples.
Close to the end of this little book, I went out like a light.
I was mildly aware that my eyes were closed and body was limp. As if Rip van Wrinkle himself had done me in. A brief attempt to wake up was unsuccessful and I surrendered to the trance.
I heard patterns of sound as the birds sang and the trees danced with the wind in my backyard.
I was aware of a conversation, rich and deep, within the movement of the world around me and the warmth upon my face. There were no words nor visions, save a barely glimpsed pattern that was mirroring the symphony playing in the natural world.
Occasionally I felt my body, uncomfortable in a slumped posture, yet unwilling to be disturbed.
Surrendering to the discomfort, I followed my senses as they felt, saw, heard, and knew what was singing throughout my neighborhood. Not one tangible transcription nor idea was garnered during this time. Yet, I knew in the depth of my being that the experience was essential and the conversation rich.
And then it was over. The stiffness in my body suggested that some time had passed.
It was difficult to surface. If it were morning and I was in bed, I would’ve definitely rolled over and let sleep overtake me. Yet, I knew it was time to get up. As I sat up, my husband came out to see how my nap was. Witnessing my lolling head, he had figured I needed some sleep so ate alone inside. Nice guy.
It could’ve been a nap or a food coma, except for the rich conversation that I couldn’t remember nor translate.
Well, I couldn’t translate it consciously that is. I had no doubt that every nuance of the communication was now singing within my body field. And for that I was deeply grateful.
While you might be tired with a body primed for relaxation, there’s usually something more going on when you get knocked out.
When your energy and brain waves shift to another frequency, you may feel like you are relaxed and drifting or end up snoring like a sailor after a bender. It all depends upon the interaction between the subtle energy – the high vibrational information that is streaming and the subtle energy that makes up your system.
“I don’t know where I went or what happened.”
That’s another common statement during my workshops. During the guided meditations and journeys, that is. If folks fall asleep when I’m talking, then either they are really tired or I’m really boring. Both are possibilities.
When you engage higher frequency beings (eg, Angels, Deities, Guides) and Divine information, your subtle energy field shifts naturally.
Relaxing and opening so that conversations at multiple levels may inform you. While amplified in a group or a sacred setting, this experience may occur when reading a book, sitting in meditation, or during hypnagogic states – that twilight as you fall to sleep or awaken. Just about anything can lead you into an informational exchange with higher vibrational energy.
Even when you are blissfully unaware of what was shared and how your energy was subtly shifted.
I’ve had a few food comas. Usually they involve lots of pasta, Chinese food, or way too many cookies. And I’m as tired as at the next person at the end of the day. Yet, fatigue and food were not the culprits on my deck. It took a long walk in the woods to integrate this new energy into my body. Leaving me relaxed, grateful, and open to the next exchange.
I’m dancing with a mystery I don’t understand. Curious and patient, I’m okay to let Her lead.
I do wonder how many times you’ve explained away a celestial encounter by interpreting it as a nap. Or a dream. Or a full stomach. The thinking mind wants to make sense of things that surprise you.
The Mystery needs no explanation.
Have fun exploring how you interact with the beautiful conversations that are streaming to you in so many ways. It helps to set an intent to become more aware of the subtle and “knock you out” obvious ways the celestial realms are informing you. If concern arises at the thought of these conversations taking you unawares, brighten up your Light Globe. This practice supports your intuitive awareness, strengthens the boundary of your biofield (aura), and cleanses your energy body.
I’ve recorded the Light Globe meditation as a free download for you.
Access it at the bottom of my AngelicEnergetics page (scroll down to find it). Download and begin! In time, you won’t need the recording as you’ll make the practice your own.
The creative energy, back behind every form and myth, has plenty to reveal. Enjoy your “conversations.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Don’t think you’re intuitive? Don’t be so quick to rule it out. There is a growing body of research on what is known as “intuitive intelligence.” Researchers at Leeds University in England explore a body of research on nonconscious aspects intuitive perception, such as implicit knowledge. It is commonly recognized that intuitive perception plays an important role in learning, business decisions, medical diagnosis, spiritual growth, healing, and general well-being. Researchers at the Institute of HeartMath suggest three types of intuitive processes: implicit learning/knowledge, energetic sensitivity, and nonlocal intuition.