I’ve been dreaming a lot.
Receiving instructions about how to live a more beautiful life. This is new for me – the tenacity in which this information is streaming through my dreaming. And I’m grateful for the variety of focus. Seems like it is touching on all areas of my life.
So much room for improvement. Without concern for having misunderstood so much.
The more I open, the more I receive. I kinda like dropping into the sleepy state at the end of the day. With delightful anticipation, I share my gratitude for the day and ask a Beautiful Question.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not all unicorns and rainbows.
More like roses with thorns. I don’t mind the thorns, even when they stir up my vulnerability. I’m interested in blossoming. I’m dedicated to living an empowered, meaningful life. So, I’m pretty much being shown the rocks, weeds, and thorns that have been hidden within me. And those that have been glaring, but I hadn’t wanted to look at them. I’m willing now.
I’m not the only one diving into the Shadow Self.
Seems like this global crisis has stirred up a lot of muck for all of us. Revealing the places within us that are out of balance. Revealing those aspects of self that have been disowned and are now wanting shelter from the storm.
I’ve been helping many women listen to the parts of themselves they’ve abandoned along the path to adulthood.
It’s never intentional. When you understand it is a complex protective system that sends aspects of your younger self running for the hills in times of overwhelming challenge, things shift. Potential for reintegration emerges. Including the potential to listen deeply and finally hear what these abandoned aspects are trying to tell you.
It’s hard to listen when someone is belittling you, punishing you, and reminding you of your inadequacies or unlovability.
Yet, you listen to these inner voices all the time. We all have them. Formed when we were young, often overwhelmed by the circumstances of our lives, and internalizing the critical messages offered when others and society were in tension and imbalanced. Which was often.
So when you are in tension and out of balance, these voices emerge. All thorns. No rainbows.
Until you listen below the negativity to the pain and longing that is being expressed. The sadness and isolation. The fear of never being good enough, wanted, or loved. The orphaned aspects of yourself lie beneath the judgments toward self and others. They lay beneath the envy or longing to be like another whom you admire. So many ways these parts of yourself are expressing their desire to come home to rest within you.
I found security in the ability to enter into another's world without defense.

When the world stays at home, there are fewer distractions. Offering you a delicious opportunity to rejuvenate and reevaluate. To see what emerges in the open space. And to explore what lies beneath these strident inner voices so you can welcome your disowned parts home.
Becoming more. Becoming whole.
I’m grateful for this time to witness the parts of me I have dismissed. To dive below the surface to discover there is so much more waiting for me. And be shown the benefit – practical and magical – for integrating these young parts into my adult self. I’m grateful to witness the work women are doing to call themselves home. To offer a trustworthy, nurturing, and compassionate space for their own precious nature.
In the midst of this, I woke up dreaming a new class. It was unexpected. A weaving of different traditions.
Supporting the intent to become more, become whole in the midst of this turmoil. To allow wisdom, creativity, beauty, and vulnerability to awaken. I was intrigued as this class unpacked itself over 2 days.
Exploring the 4 Directions of the Medicine Wheel. Guided and supported by 4 Goddesses, 4 Spirit Animals, and 4 Rays of Divine Light.
To explore the strong medicine of the Soul which is coaxing forth your recognition of the Wise Woman within. To bring Her more to forefront, it is also essential to invite home the wondrous and vulnerable aspects of yourself. To welcome the roses and thorns in the same way you welcome rainbows and unicorns. This is an essential Journey and you’ll have plenty of help along the way. Especially when encircled by other women who are keen to participate in their Soul’s evolution.
The Art of Becoming: Evolving as a Wise Woman in Uncertain Times begins June 2nd (new date!).
This 4 week class is for women only. Please join me if you’re interested in a deep inner dive to discover what wants to grow and what wants to go. To nourish the luminous seeds of your wholeness that are waiting for you. This class will empower you to strengthen your commitment and discover the map markers, wise guides, and beautiful practices which will support and sustain you on your journey.
Do pop over and explore my workshop page if you’re ready to dream with us.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

One secret of happiness? Research says people.
Large scale surveys at the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center found that people with five or more close friends are 50% more likely to say they are “very happy” than those with smaller circles. Now, if you don’t have 5 best buds, don’t freak out. Just know that investing in friendships matters. Even casual social interactions on a regular basis empowers wellbeing.