I aspire to live in alignment with my Soul’s Wisdom. To perceive directly the highest Truth I can discern and let this guide my words and deeds.
I value integrity, trustworthiness, and bringing the best of myself to every encounter we have. You will feel my commitment and encouragement.
I aim to meet Life with an undefended heart, a sense of curious wonder, and the willingness to embrace whatever shows up (liked or not) to the best of my ability.
Come just as you are. I will meet you without judgement so you can discover how you are meant to heal, grow, and blossom into the woman you long to be.
Everyday, I nourish my whole self: mind, body, soul, and energy. I know what feeds, restores, and soothes me. I practice flexible, practical, and relentless self-nurturance.
I’ll help you discover your inner most desires and learn to nourish your whole being. So that you can come home to your own lovability, worth, beauty and brilliance.
I am cultivating a life rich with meaning, authentic connection, harmony, & contribution. I seek out those opportunities which lead me to becoming a Soulful, Luminous Human.
I believe in the beauty of your Soul, inherent wisdom, & capacity to effectively navigate life. I’ll help you discover strengths and skills so you may live confidently and meaningfully.
I am in love with learning and dedicated to a lifelong adventure of gaining, integrating (deep practice), and sharing knowledge from a wide variety of sources.
I’ll share everything I’ve learned. I’ll offer information, new perspectives, and skills for you to explore and practice. You decide what works for you.
I recognize our shared human need to come together and be a part of something greater than ourselves. I value relationships built upon love, trust, and open acceptance.
I am dedicated to creating safe, nourishing community within sacred space where you feel seen, heard, and valued. Where you evolve and connect with the Divine wisdom in many forms.
Reading every single day. (I’ll easily trade sleep for a good book). Angels.
Traveling to new, exotic places. The thrill of discovery just outside my comfort zone.
Deep conversations. Walks in the woods. Silence. Being served a nourishing meal.
WholeHeartedly walking the Path of the (practical) Mystic. Bookstores.
Laughter. Visiting the Love Orphanage family. Learning from genius teachers.
Creating art. Embodying the Sacred Feminine teachers. Dancing.
Time spent with loved ones. Guacamole. Meeting you.
Reading every single day. (I’ll easily trade sleep for a good book). Angels.
Traveling to new, exotic places. The thrill of discovery just outside my comfort zone.
Deep conversations. Walks in the woods. Silence. Being served a nourishing meal.
WholeHeartedly walking the Path of the (practical) Mystic. Bookstores.
Laughter. Visiting the Love Orphanage family. Learning from genius teachers.
Creating art. Embodying the Sacred Feminine teachers. Dancing.
Time spent with loved ones. Guacamole. Meeting you.
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