Today the wind blows cold as the sun shines in a sky showing off a brilliant hue of blue.
This hasn’t been the norm for the dreary skies of New Jersey. The cloud cover, wind, rain, and vacillating temperature seems to mimic the fluctuations in mood during this lengthy influence of the pandemic. A peek of sunshine occasionally reveals the dust motes, the webs, and the forgotten places in our homes and our lives.
This year there are more cobwebs than ever. And they are the sticky kind.
When you experience higher amounts of stress for a long period, the vulnerable spaces within you are activated. The impact of large scale stressors, such as chronic illness, tragedy, loss, or unemployment, packs a double whammy.
Bringing to the surface past insecurity and the layers of protection formed to manage challenge.
The worldwide shared experience of a pandemic layered the normal challenges of living with extreme loss across the board. You know the cost of this year for you individually, a cost shared by your worldwide human family. The challenges were personal, social, economic, spiritual, physical, and cultural.
Sure, there were gains and opportunities, gifts and unearthed treasures.
This you acknowledge. Offering praise and devotion to that Source in which you believe and gratitude to those who helped you – known and unknown. Strangers helping strangers, gathering together to lift one another out of fear and insecurity. This continues out of necessity and as one of the beautiful benefits of an overwhelming shared experience.
Yet vulnerability travels with you now. Like a pebble in your shoe. Or a cloud upon the horizon.
When experiences and emotions are not processed fully, your intelligence creates protective barriers, complex stories, and clever defensive structures. All in the interest of helping you manage that which feels unmanageable and with the aim of protecting you in the future.
This past year has raised these fault lines of past insecurities, challenges, and traumas closer to the surface.
The energy of Spring brings a promise of rebirth with blossoming trees, warmer temperatures, and more hours of light. Igniting the potential for optimism and growth even after the darkest winter. The natural rhythm, even when disrupted by global warming or worldwide hardship, remind you of the potential to clear out those proverbial “sticks and stones” from your past challenges.
“Weeding the garden” is a metaphor for deep cleaning of your layered body system.
When Spring as a season or an idea arrives on your doorstep, you have a choice. You may join this innate potential to clear the tangles in your energy, emotions, mind, and body. While Spring only comes once a year, the invitation to clear the cobwebs and shine more light into your life is a perennial process.
Here are 4 simple ways to seek the light and weed the garden.

1. Head into Nature.
The natural world holds its own healing magic. Stepping outside to sit in the sunshine, wander through the forest, or dig in the garden, you enter a healing space. Set an intent for healing your trapped emotions and stuck beliefs as you spend time in nature.
Leave the phone and music at home and let the natural harmony of the outdoors soothe your system into resonance with the healing frequency of the planet.
If the wind blows, open your arms and let it “blow” blow through you – intending your very own Spring cleaning. When the sun shines, let the alchemical fire gently dissolve those calcified spaced within, allowing the light to move gently once again. You may invite the natural world to partner with your healing in any way you choose. Be creative and enjoy the process.
2. The Practice of Stilling
This simple practice counteracts the tendency of “doing” at a hectic pace. It helps to “undo” the machinations of the busy mind and soften the guard of the stress response system. Choosing a quiet space where you are comfortable and won’t be disturbed, you keep your eyes open and breathe. Noticing your environment – inner and outer – as you breathe. When your mind wanders into list making or the body wants to get up and explore or “do something,” you breathe deeply. And return to noticing. Letting your gaze move around the room or the natural setting.
Breathing. Sitting quietly. All of this signaling the stress response system to down regulate into quiet.
It helps to do this daily and increasing time whenever you feel it is beneficial. There are no hard and fast rules here other than breathe and notice. Letting go and sitting still is not an easy thing to do. When you do, your own healing system gets the message to clear the cobwebs and let the light in.
3. Energy medicine and Energy Psychology
Many modalities assist you in clearing all layers of your body: energetic, mental, emotional, and physical. When you understand that healing and growth occurs within the interconnected layers of your body system, you may seek techniques that address all part of you. There are plenty of modalities available. You may explore your favorite or try something new.
I offer two free energy practices on my website in recorded format so that you may learn basic techniques to soothe your stress response system and keep your light field clear.
Listen to these recordings daily or whenever you feel you are ready for a tune up. Eventually, you will discover that you have learned these techniques on your own. You may find the Self Soothe Strategy on my Home Page and the Light Globe Meditation on the Angelic Immersion Retreat page.
Spring Cleaning: April Specials
These are no longer available as April has moved on. You can take a look at these lovely and powerful processes and explore the modalities you like best anytime. Choose one or I’ll intuitively guide you into a path of clearing that is most beneficial at this time. Choose single sessions or the Soul Guide bundle on my Spiritual Mentoring page.
Angel Healing Journey
Your Journey is a unique experience offering a combination of energy healing and loving guidance showered upon you from your Angels and Wise Guides. Every Journey is unique and speaks to your mind and heart in response to your questions. The Angels also clarify your energy so you may open to new information and vibrate at a higher level, supporting the changes that are perfect for your life at this time. Sessions may be held via telephone or remotely with recording sent following the session.
InnerSpeak™ Session
Developed by Jean Adrienne, InnerSpeak™ is a system for clearing energetic, karmic and ancestral blocks, and limiting beliefs which may be impacting life situations. Guided by Archangel Michael in the creation of InnerSpeak™, Jean has trained people around the world in this energy modality. I witness the benefit for clients as current patterns and blocks are understood from a multidimensional viewpoint and practical internal and external shifts are experienced. Sessions may be held via video.
The Body Code and the Emotion Code
Developed by Bradley Nelson, DC, these sessions provide a map to follow as we work with your inner wisdom. Working on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and relational), your inner wisdom guides the clearing and rebalancing of the factors which underlie and contribute to current symptoms and issues which interfere with your wellbeing. Body Code session include the Emotion Code.
The bonus Emotion Code session (* available with purchase of 3 session Bundle) will focus upon a specific issue or address clearing of the Heart wall which is the energetic field storing trapped emotions which interfere with an open hearted approach to life. Sessions will be held remotely with notes emailed after completion.
AngelicEnergetics™ Session
I created this restorative method of healing in partnership with the Archangels of the Seven Rays. Surrendering your intent for healing at all levels allows the Archangels and your personal Angels to offer Divine Light transmissions to restore the harmonious flow of Life Force energy (qi, chi, prana) throughout your being. Each unique Divine Light transmission generates a release of energetic interference within your subtle energy system. Each session is unique as the Angels work with your higher wisdom to guide the release of old energy patterns, balancing of your energy, and attuning you to new levels of functioning. Sessions may be held via video or telephone.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Thinking outside of the box (or the ER)! A Columbus, Ohio hospital spent $80 million to build and repair homes in its neighborhood to create healthier places to live. Recognizing that lower income families have less access to health care, they have greater health issues (kids included). When they improved housing, there were less respiratory symptoms, reduced risk of lead poisoning, and fewer ER visits and hospitalizations. On top of the health benefits, improved housing also led to higher rates of high school graduation, reduced crime, and increase in jobs.