I was driving on the highway when I received the name for an integrated Angelic Healing method: AngelicEnergetics™.
That’s often the way of it, this celestial communication. While I love those larger than life stories of meeting a fully winged Angel in the hallway while traipsing to the bathroom in the middle of the night, those kinda things never happened to me.
In fact, I pretty much dismissed a few years of lovely appearances, helpful suggestions, and mind blowing instruction about the secrets of the Universe because they didn’t meet my idea of how Angels et al should show up.
Somewhere along the years, my rational brain took a nap and I caught up with all those interactions. That’s the beauty of a celestial rendezvous. Even when you’re late to the party, you’re invited to reminisce about all those times you saw, heard, felt, or were spontaneously guided to the perfect moment, information, or opportunity.
I could write a book about my celestial encounters, but that’s not so interesting to me.
I’d rather explore with you how to expand YOUR contact with those cosmic conversationalists. It lights me up when you access a new way of connecting to your own intuitive genius and begin the nonlinear path of walking hand in hand with the Angels. And then play around with how to share your unique intuitive style with others so they may enter their own Angelic connection.
Once you’re in the conversation, the libraries of the heavens open for you.
That’s why I’m not so interested in one book. Not when every conversation opens a new story, a new technique, and a new way to offer this knowledge to others. I guess I’m more of a Celestial Librarian than an author of personal encounters with the Divine (by any name and form).
Makes me wonder if you’ve got your library card and if you want to explore what’s waiting for you with AngelicEnergetics™?
It was the Angels’ idea to integrate Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine techniques with Angelic energy healing.
That was right up my alley as I’m aware of the efficient power of very simple Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine techniques.
They clarify your energy field, organize your capacity to receive and process information, and restructure the energy body to hold more light. It made great sense to me to add these techniques to the Angelic connection, communication, and energy healing. Great sense.
Plus the Archangels and the Seven Rays of Divine Light are generous, brilliant teachers.
For the past fifteen years, they’ve been mentoring me in new ways to work with light, color frequency, light chambers (matrices of light), and planetary lightwork. These Angelic partners are quite considerate as all techniques and direct teaching take into consideration how you “work” as an intuitive being and where you are on your own developmental learning curve. As you gain more experience with AngelicEnergetics™, you recognize how to adapt the techniques to work with groups, individuals, places, or cosmic situations.
The Angels of the Rays have been recently teaching me how to “dose the light” to complement other traditional and holistic interventions.
That was unexpected and came in handy when working on my dog after his skunk encounter. They’ve also had me update the Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner Manuals. There’s more to come in that regard, but I need to play with others a bit before they’ll release more techniques. Are you in? If so, you’ll meet them soon enough and develop a new, even deeper relationship than you have right now.
I’m inviting you to explore AngelicEnergetics™ for your own benefit.
If you want to take it further and share it with others informally or professionally, that’s great. I’ll support both options and share what I’ve learned to launch you onto your own direct learning path. However, I want to be really clear about something. If you explore AngelicEnergetics™, you’ll be reaping the benefits and supporting your personal expansion at all levels of your being.
As a natural outcome, you’ll heal, shift, and grow energetically, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. All in accordance with your Soul’s guidance.
I use AngelicEnergetics™ every week for myself, in my work, with nature, in the world, and throughout the cosmos. It’s just a natural way of being and always empowers my intent to be a beneficial presence as I become a better human. I’d love to share what I’ve learned with you so you may expand your way of being a joyful, beneficial presence in the world.
Whether you know nothing about energy healing or Angels, or you’re a wise professional serving the world, AngelicEnergetics™ is calling you.
Dip your toe in the energy with the AngelicEnergetics™ Group Healing ZOOM events. Dive deeper with a 1 or 2 day in person training at Soul Sanctuary. The 1 day EveryOne AngelicEnergetics™ training empowers your personal work. If you want to share it with others for fun or professionally, you need to attend the 2 day (plus) Practitioner training. All details are available here or check out my Workshop page.
How do you know if this modality is right for you? Ask the Angels. And if you want a second opinion, feel free to reach out to me for a chat.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Turns out that more people believe in Angels and heaven than in the devil and hell. Although things that science can’t explain and the power of prayer beat out both heaven and the Angels. Bet that’s getting a good laugh rippling across the proverbial heavens. So says a recent AP-NORC poll of 1680 adults in the US. That devil is still beating out ghosts, karma, and yoga as a spiritual practice. I wonder what the yogis say about that? They probably just take a deep breath and let it go with a harmonious “Ooooooommmmmmmm.”