In the United States, we celebrate Memorial Day this weekend.
Many view Memorial Day only as a long weekend to jump start the summer and enjoy the beach. It definitely carries a vibe of freedom and relief that summer is here. I think that feeling of freedom and relief was seeded when Memorial Day was first established as a day to celebrate all those who served in armed forces. To honor their bravery, commitment, and sacrifice.
On Memorial Day, we honor those who have served and all that was lost.
Regardless of whether these men or women ever saw battle, all lost something. The very nature of living in a world where we must defend to the death our rights, borders, supremacy, and “stuff” leads to the loss of security, innocence, and a soulful path. The loss of life, limbs, time with family and friends, mental and emotional health, and internal peace represent a fraction of what was taken by war.
All so we could feel free enough to grab our picnic and head to the beach.
It’s bigger and more complicated than that, of course. But for this weekend, it’s a beautiful thing to honor those who stepped in to serve their country. I honor my grandfather Arthur, father in law Lou, cousins Mike, Deanna and Alexis, friends Rodrigo and JT, and my lawn guru John. Recently visiting Pearl Harbor, I recognize the devastation of loss from war.
So, I dream of a future peace where we all enjoy the freedom of a day at the beach together.
So much more to celebrate as dreams come true, bellies are full, and my bee hotel opens for business.
There’s a lot of happy news to report so here are a few tidbits to cheer you up!
Our recent Soul Sanctuary food drive was well received in Burlington City.
The idea of a “quickie” Soul Sanctuary food expanded a bit when I received $1200 as your personal food drive shopper. It took four trips and a bunch of helpers to gather and organize all that food. Plus the bags dropped off at Soul Sanctuary. It took two SUVs to transport all those goodies so that’s reason to celebrate!
As my husband and I pulled up to SisterHood, PhilAbundance arrived to unload two pallets of fresh fruit and veggies.
In less than 30 minutes, the previously empty SisterHood food pantry was stocked. Full bellies are in the future for many grateful families. Here’s just one more thing I learned. When I phoned SisterHood on Monday, I was told the pantry was really low on food. When we arrived 8 days later, the dry and canned food section was empty. Empty. That hit me, so I’ll be more conscious of the need for good food to be sent to my neighbors and get to it. Wherever you live, there are hungry families and food pantries to serve them.
Love Orphanage is doing the happy dance in Haiti!!
Our beloved Ylionor, the oldest of the 19 Love O kids, has begun his secondary education. Whoo hoo! He is the first to step into the dream of the Be a Difference Maker Program (created by my kid) to graduate high school AND receive secondary training. We celebrated his graduation last June with a coffee house fundraiser to build the vocational school educational fund.
Ylionor has entered the Wonderful Institute to study information technology. Wonderful indeed.
For all of you “wonderful” people who have supported the Be a Difference Maker program for the Love O kids in Haiti over the past 10 years, THANK YOU! This is the opportunity that your dreaming hearts and generous pockets created. And there are more kids studying to become the future Difference Makers of Haiti. Feel free to learn more or donate directly to the Be a Difference Maker fund on the Love O webpage. [I have no access to information about donations which are handled by the nonprofit We the Village.]
Closer to home, I’ve completed the Pachamama garden at my home. Pollinators welcome!
When I was in Peru, meditating on top of a mountain after our sacred ceremony where I received the Munay Ki Earth Keeper initiation, I received a vision from Pachamama (Mother Earth). I saw my home with its manicured garden overflowing with colorful blossoms. “Create my altar and welcome my children,” whispered Pachamama.
I don’t garden, hate digging in the dirt, and don’t know much about plants. So, I said “Yes, I will.”
I do know how to get expert advice, shop for flowers, schedule my lawn guru, and create beauty. So, I got busy. I wandered around the nursery until I’d spy something that had me gasp in delight (happened often). I read the tags, envisioned the empty spaces, made 3 trips, and laid everything where it wanted to be planted. My guys did the rest. The gardeners planted and my husband watered.
Leaving me free to wander, drink in beauty, and invite the pollinators to visit.
The bee hotel is going up in the tree this weekend. A gift from a family friend who made it from wood taken from a massive tree which fell on my childhood home a while back. While the home is no longer ours and the tree long gone, it’s nice to know another community will gather around it. The bees have arrived and I’m waiting for the butterflies and hummingbirds. Oh, and there’s Simon.
I met Simon when he popped out from under my lilies to say hello. I was delighted to discover a lizard living in Pachamama’s garden.
Somehow I knew his name and that he came to greet me. As is my habit with animals, I introduced myself. “Hi, Simon, I’m Kathy Milano. I live here.” And then I paused ’cause that hit me as funny. We humans always think we rule the roost. “I guess you live here, too. Glad to share the space with you.” Simon came out later in the evening to meet my husband. I think he’s steering clear of Milo.
One sweet, exciting bit of Soul Sanctuary news. I’m offering the Ignite your Light Body Retreat on Saturday, June 24th in Marlton, NJ.
It’s a day filled with energy healing, ceremony, and initiation in the Andean tradition. For anyone interested in accelerating personal healing and boosting your healing service to others (in any capacity). Get lots more details by clicking HERE.
I hope you find your good news and share it with others. Have fun this weekend however you celebrate the freedoms you live.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

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