I’m sitting in a silent Soul Sanctuary. Quietly communing with the wonder of this space.
It’s a bit mind blowing to review the journey that got me here. My original plan was to continue as psychologist and executive director of a nonprofit agency serving DYFS adolescents until I retired. Funny how Life has a way of inviting you onto a new path. Even funnier that you say yes. Innocently stepping onto an entirely new trajectory that at first masquerades as something similar to the path you’ve been living.
Not all Journeys have clearly marked paths and signs. I think that’s by design.
I’m not sure I had the vision or the courage back then to head in the direction I’ve been led. Although with hindsight, I must’ve had a huge trust and a fair amount of courage to walk away from the security of a job that allowed me to grow personally, empower others, and create change in the wider community. Thank the Angels who whispered there was another way even though I didn’t know who was talking nor where that “way” would lead me.
That was in 2005 and there were many twists and unexpected turns that landed me here today celebrating Soul Sanctuary’s 12th birthday.
I’m awash in gratitude. Allowing the images of the people who have walked through these doors. Seeking solace, expansion, community, and above all, love. I’m moved deeply by the way everyone has seeded Soul Sanctuary with trust, courage, desire, and movement toward a broader life. And how tears, laughter, and determination have watered these seeds. I’m thinking of all the people who have helped me in so many ways, and those who share the gift of the work we do at Soul Sanctuary with others. It is so very helpful and really generous. I’m awash in this generous spirit in this very moment.
Entering an energetically enriched conscious space such as Soul Sanctuary naturally invites and empowers healing and transformation.
I’ve witnessed a lot of transformation in myself, my offerings, and the way in which transformation occurs within people. It has become easier, more gracefully fluid, and quite astonishing to witness how that which creates suffering may fall away to reveal that which is ready to blossom.
It’s a quiet year without fanfare, this 12th wonder of a birthday for Soul Sanctuary. Yet there are gifts to be given and worthy children to receive them.
Please celebrate with me by providing support for our Love Orphanage family in Haiti
The annual Village Walk is taking place this Saturday, October 7th, in many areas.
I won’t be walking in Moorestown at Strawbridge Lake this year, so Esther Clark is leading the way. If you’re local, join Esther from the Church St entrance. Walk begins at 10 am and is a lovely, easy stroll with friends. Arrive a few minutes early.
I’ll be celebrating young love at a wedding so I’ll dance for Love O kids this year.
They are worth our attention, love, and of course, our monetary contribution. You can register to walk or run at a few locations. Or you can sit on your couch, work in your garden, or play with your grandkids. However you want to spend the day is great. Go ahead and register to walk or make a donation.
It’s a big deal this year ’cause Haiti’s poverty, gang activity, and civil unrest has run up prices and required the Love O family to relocate temporarily for safety reasons.
You can get all of the details at the Love Oprhanage site. Anything you donate will be used for living expenses such as rent, food, and medical treatment. Go here to register or donate.
My heart is full of gratitude for Gabriel who committed his life to care for orphans in Haiti.
He always speaks with astonishment that people around the world would help him raise these children. That many Difference Makers would fund education and travel during the summers to Haiti and create a Culture Camp with the kids. He just can’t believe so many care about children in a forgotten place.
Yet what astonishes all of us is that a man can commit his life to make the impossible possible.
I’ve seen first hand over 3 summers, and years of photos, how love can truly inspire people to make a life saving difference for virtual strangers. I thank you. All of you who have never met Gabriel and the Love O kids but have supported the Be a Difference Maker program because my kid asked you to put them through school. And now, I ask you to help them live.
This dream of a healthy, safe Love O is astounding and totally achievable. And worth celebrating.
It’s an ordinary day turned magical with my focus on 12 years of beauty, love, and transformation. And a heartfelt prayer that children in Haiti and everywhere be supported on their own path of growth.
I wouldn’t feel so completely awash in gratitude without you and all the ways you show up.
May you continue to be blessed as you walk the path your Soul calls you to, with ease or challenge, knowing you are part of a community that loves, transforms, and serves with gratitude.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

A lot has happened since I first “met” the Love O Family. Gabriel and his staff of 2 cared for 19 kids in an overcrowded house. No school. Limited food. Long term effects of trauma and malnourishment. And plenty of love, faith, and hard work. Since then? 9 years of school. New home with solar panels, lights (!), running water. Medical care. New children. 4 summers of Culture Camp. Swims in the ocean. Amazing. They’ve had losses. Normal losses and heartbreaking tragedies. Dangers and moves to safety. The hardships continue in Haiti, yet Love is the prevailing force. It shows itself in healthy, happy children. Gratitude overflows for all who persist in their support of Love O. You truly are a Difference Maker.