Meet Juanita and Francisco, shamans from Peru.
This beautiful couple waves from a hill above the only moon temple in Peru. Known as Killarumiyok, the moon dial served many generations with tracking the movement of the stars, seasons, and energies. The shamans had a full morning traveling with our group by bus to this site in the Sacred Valley, hiking the mountain, and setting up the ceremony for our arrival.
That was a day of powerful teaching for me as the Feminine opened my heart and held my hand on the climb.
We began by creating a Pachamama stick before we hiked. In conversation with the flowers and plants, we chose the blossoms that called us and, with permission from nature, we wrapped these offerings around a stick. Told that we would encounter a rock split in the center, representing the vagina or birth canal, we prepared an offering.
Each step, I prepared myself and my small Pachamama stick as an offering.
I felt something profound on the horizon, something which had no words. I was hiking amidst a group of lovely people, yet I felt as if I was alone on my own journey. My steps were easy and my breath was full. This was a place familiar to me where I climbed last year. I headed for a place of power that I laid upon and called to the Grandmothers to offer me wisdom and healing.
Truth be told, things got a bit hazy at that point.
Whatever occurred is beyond my mind at present, so I‘ll move along to arriving at the rock with a huge crack. Flowers spilled out and prayers lit up the area. Walking through the wet, mushy grass, I went around the back to share my intention.
A woman was healing something with her head upon that rock and her sobs wracking her body.
I felt called to stand in stillness, a quiet witness. And then it was time to move. I gathered her in my arms and helped her soothe as she returned her awareness to the moment. I offered my hand to her, shaky as she was, to climb the steep hill.
And then I lost my breath.
As if the altitude had changed drastically, I had to pause frequently to catch my breath as we climbed hand in hand. Now she was still, waiting for me. Our roles had reversed.
I learned on that climb that we are never alone and help is given or received when needed.
I entered the ceremony which would include another Munay Ki Rite, that of the Earthkeeper.
I brought my whole being to that circle and my Soul said yes to whatever light would be offered. The mountains were active, offering their wisdom, and the shamans were prepared to transmit the seeds of this initiation. Something happened then that shifted my whole being to a new reality. Suddenly, I knew anything was possible and I was open to it.
I received my seeds of light from Pascual with so much joy and enthusiasm.
And then I went still, as did the mountains and the land. My eyes travelled upward and tracked the eagle which arrived to circle our group. Blessing our ceremony. Traveling down the mountain was easy. We stopped to chant together at the moon calendar, located next to my favorite dreaming rock.
Feeling complete, I looked up to see Francisco and Juanita smiling down upon us.
When I raised my camera with a question, they stood and smiled. It was a lovely moment and a heartfelt connection. Little did I know I would be welcoming Francisco into my home a few months later.
He arrives, without Juanita, but traveling with Pascual, Chino, and Jose Tomas in just a few days.
So many of us are joining together to receive the Seeds of Light offered through the Munay Ki Rites and the sacred ceremony these shamans will share with us. This is a dream received high in the Temple of the Sun in Ollantaytambo following a beautiful exchange with the mountains. It was seeded, nourished, and brought to form rather rapidly. For this, I am grateful, yet after that powerful experience with the Earthkeeper‘s Rite, I am not surprised.
For those who are joining in The Seeding of the Light Gathering, you are in for a beautiful experience. If you feel called to come, even on short notice, you are welcome. There are 10 spots remaining. All details are on the Event Page here.
I have a few openings for private healing sessions with the shamans at Soul Sanctuary.
This Seeding the Light Gathering is created with the intention of bringing more Light to the planet through the Munay Ki transmissions. With the infusion of these seeds of light, the energy of your multidimensional body is elevated and life unfolds differently. All who participate will then share this new light in their own unique fashion with the world.
We are gathering to Seed the Light for your benefit. To bless your families, communities, work, home, and health with love, abundance, and vitality. Each ceremony honors our connection to Pachamama, to the Cosmic Light, and to all our relations.
May you feel the Munay Ki, the power of love, wherever you are this weekend.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Fair trade products from Peru are available via many resources. When I first learned that quinoa, a staple for the Peruvian diet, was becoming too expensive for locals due to the high demand of overseas consumption, I was dismayed. That led me to research how to purchase not only quinoa but all Peruvian products from Fair Trade certified suppliers. This certification, across all countries, meets rigorous economic, social, and environmental standards. Do your research so those producing the product benefit. This honors Ayni (reciprocity) which is an embedded social and spiritual aspect of Peruvian culture.