Sometimes you are skipping down a path of light.
Holding hands with others as your heart blooms large.
Feeling the joyful freedom born of a connection
so full and true that you recognize yourself.
Loving, wise, and beautiful. At home in the world.
Other times, you’ve got pebbles in your shoes,
sand in your crevices, cracks in your heart,
and a mind on fire with doubt and despair.
Alone in the darkness of the wild wood,
you seek something, anything, to save you.
Without a map, wise guides, supportive friends, and empowering practices, you may feel like a cork bobbing on the ocean.
Let’s change that together.
The world is hungry for more Wise Woman who are reclaiming their luminosity.
The Art of Becoming 6 week Journey offers the navigational wisdom from the Q’ero shamans of Peru and the Andean Medicine Wheel. This is first encountered as a tool to empower personal healing, growth, and transformation.
Working at the mythic level, you engage the guidance from your own Soul and the realm of the Mystery.
You are welcomed into each Direction by an Archetypal Guardian, Goddess, and Feminine Archangel. All of whom assist your direct experience of dismantling that which binds and blinds you. To discover the wisdom of the unseen realms and unearth the hidden treasures within you. To discover how to perceive yourself, the world, and your way of living differently.
So you may Source yourself from the Sacred.
The Medicine Wheel not a simple circle to be walked to the end. It is a mystical, multidimensional spiral alive with the lineage of healers, guardians, and medicine people. Each Direction offers unique teachings, energetic transmissions, ceremony, and practical lessons on how to awaken a higher perception of yourself as a whole being.
The intent is to empower you to walk The Beauty Way and be a beneficial presence for this world.
For some, this will be the first time stepping within the richness of the Andean cosmology. For others, like myself, you’ll return to the wheel to discover a whole new layer of information and way of being.
I’ve entered this Medicine Wheel repeatedly over the past 20 plus years.
Discovering that each entry is perfectly timed and that there is no end to the personal and mythic revelations that occur. I am especially excited to enter with a group of evolving wise women as I have been diving more deeply into these teachings and ceremonies than ever before. So, what does that mean for this circle of wise women?
I’m expanding the beautiful, information rich manual with new teachings, ceremonies, and practices.
The Becoming Archives, which house beautiful recorded classes, guided journeys, and the manual will be enhanced with live streamed journeys offered each week. With lifetime access, you may enter the Medicine Wheel again and again and enjoy different information shared with each class. With the combination of the written manual and recorded archives, you can dive as deeply as you choose. And you’ll receive plenty of inspiration, love, and support from your sisters who are traveling wth wheel with you.
To enhance your Becoming Journey and upgrade your energy matrix, you’ll be receiving the first 3 Munay Ki Rites gifted to the world by the Andean Shamans.
The Munay Ki Rites (power of love) are energetic transmissions that transform and elevate your subtle energy field. As these seeds of light are woven into your energy body, you’ll be guided how to nurture them to full expression. As your Light Body is upgraded, your capacity to heal the past, expand perception, and activate the power of love within strengthens. Working at the energetic level supports the mental, emotional, and physical transformation that you seek.
Empowering you to change from the inside out to become a Luminous Woman who lives, ages, and dies differently.
The Art of Becoming class begins on June 21st and will be on ZOOM for 6 Tuesday evenings from 6:30-9:30pm EST. The ladies in these classes contribute to an intimate and sacred temple space to complete this work together. If you are local to Soul Sanctuary, you may want to join the Full Moon Fire Ceremony on Tuesday, July 14th to jump start your Journey with powerful intent and releasement. This is not required and you’ll learn ways to conduct your personal fire ceremony during the Becoming Journey.
Listen to the wisdom of your Feminine belly and heart. Let the Mothers, Sisters, and Grandmothers whisper their invitation to you directly.
If you feel called to join us, please read more details on the Art of Becoming class page HERE or click the blue box below for link in my Workshop page. Reach out to me if you have questions. I can’t wait to step onto the Wheel together and learn from you.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Human beings crave connection. Within themselves, between people, within and across cultures. Ceremony and ritual are important practices to connect people to one another. Rites of passage, personal spiritual practices, and ceremony across traditions have enhanced an individual’s sense of belonging, confidence within their own abilities, and offers deep soothing of personal and societal anxiety. Entering ceremony of a tradition outside of your own with reverence and an intent to learn allows participants to directly experience a connection with the Sacred, as well as seeing the commonality with others outside of their specific culture or tradition. All important for individual, communal, and global wellbeing.