I’ve been spending a lot of time in the ocean recently.
That’s something for someone who doesn’t like to go in past her knees. Unless it’s a warm sunny beach in Florida or the Caribbean, then I’m all in. At least until I cool off, then I’m back to letting the sun warm me up.
Seems that’s been a big problem for years. That beautiful sun warming up our planet.
As you well know, it’s heating up the oceans. Melting the ice caps at an alarming rate. Shrinking the home of the polar bears and penguins. As these oceans heat up and rise up, they’re disrupting life in and out of the water. Marine heat waves, coral bleaching, drowning wetlands, and changes in weather.
The scientific findings across the board are hard to look at, let alone digest.
The impact of changing weather, reduced food sources, increased drought conditions, loss of species, and more severe storms are affecting all people and places on this beautiful planet. No place is untouched, especially in a large ecosystem that we call Earth.
Where everything is connected in a complex, intelligent dance.
While some deny climate change, others despair, and many hide their heads in the sand, people around the globe are seeking creative solutions to not only correct the damage, but to enhance life. Now and in the future.
These are the scientists, adolescents, leaders of industry, and the man living down the street from you. All doing their part to creatively lessen the damage and restore the potential of a healthy ecosystem.
Melting ice caps make my eyes water. Beached whales, chemical laden food, and mistreated children do the same.
A future with further disruption to our fragile ecosystem has me wondering what else I may do to make a difference. I’ve been examining my daily habits, material usage, chosen charities, ethical purchasing, garden planting, and humanitarian pursuits.
My eyes are still watering and I want to offer more. But, where do I place my attention, talent, and love?
When I asked this question, I was reminded of the Andean wisdom tradition (Peru) which holds 3 foundational guides of living.
First, you consider the impact of your actions on all living creatures and the planet. Known as Ayni or reciprocity, you recognize that the way you live impacts your community, the global family, Earth (Pachamama), and future generations.
Second, the Beauty Way calls you to seek and see the beauty in all people, all beings, and all situations. To create beauty as you move through your moments.
Third, Dreaming the World into Being is a co-creative process. Aligning with the energy of creation, outside of time and in sync with the Soul, you open to what wishes to be dreamed through you.
Ayni. Beauty. Dreaming a new world into being.
The art of dreaming beauty goes beyond meeting your own needs and wants. It dives within the mystical energy to reveal what may be and invites you hold that dream strongly. To be open to instruction about how to live, love, and serve.
With this reminder, I recognized something I could do without scientific knowledge, policy making power, or billions of bucks.
I began dreaming of a future with pristine oceans, bountiful gardens, and healthy children.
I traveled far into the future as you know it. 7 generations and then 49 generations forward.
Seeking the energy of waters abundant with healthy marine life and absent of plastics and harmful chemicals. I found the abundant gardens overflowing with healthy food and equitable access. I witnessed children who were physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy.
I found a culture of conscious interdependence with a focus upon committed stewardship of Pachamama and her creatures, love for humanity, and abundant sharing of resources.
A seeming Eden or a fairy tale where humans didn’t destroy one another and their environment. I wondered what to do with these visions and this energy of a distant future. Asking the question, I got my answer.
“Paint this future into the now.” And so I did, birthing the “Prayers for Pachamama” series of original paintings.
All Prayers for Pachamama paintings are one of a kind and infused with the energy of hope, optimism, and healing.
This dream seemed to focus in three areas, so I created 3 separate series of paintings to honor these intentions.
“Precious Petals” paintings dream of healthy children who are cherished, heathy, and empowered to thrive. “Pristine Oceans” paintings celebrate unpolluted waters with abundant marine life and perfect temperatures. “Blooming Gardens” paintings envision a balanced ecosystem, abundant food and wildlife, and plenty of beauty.
When I paint, I witness the visions that flow through my inner sight as I feel the joy of living in a world where our collective healing has already taken hold.
To say this is a euphoric process of artistic creation would be an understatement.
It’s a dance party of sound, prayer, color, movement, and happiness.
With texture and depth, the richness of this dreaming comes to life on a canvas. Each painting radiates energy into your present reality as if seeding a map for you to awaken the next steps toward healing yourself, your great grandchildren, and our lovely Earth. They’re more than just a pretty painting. This energy has something to say to you.
Hang a painting in your space and expect to get some “instructions” on how to be a beautiful steward for the children, gardens, and planet.
I hope you enjoy the painting featured above. It’s called “Rising Ocean” and it represents the emergence of healthy oceans. I’ll be posting more photos soon or you can always stop into Soul Sanctuary to take a peek.
If I create a painting just for you, I’ll include your family and future generations into the creation process. Yum.
However you dream or take tiny big actions to support Pachamama, I’m sure we’ll all be feeling your gifts. It takes more than a village. It takes a global family to make change of this magnitude.
I’m glad we’re related
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Are you a conscious shopper? With so much information available on the web these days, it becomes easier to research your products before you purchase. While some companies report how much they give back to local communities or donate (often a requirement of doing business in a certain location), many businesses take it a step further. Innovative technology, sustainable materials, reducing harmful emissions, caring well for workers, repurposed materials. It makes good sense for the planet and also good cents for the company. There are plenty of ways to win. It takes time to become an educated consumer and investor. Explore one thing at a time and make a change for good. Your good. Pachamama’s good. Our shared future kinda good.