In my neck of the woods, the trees are painting the neighborhoods and highways with beautiful hues of orange, yellow, burgundy, and red.
This Fall foliage puts on quite a show. Trees bursting with color as they dance alone or in a group, always in harmony with the breeze. The single leaf which spirals down or dances wildly with others until gathering in picturesque arrangements on the lawns, complemented by colorful mums and pumpkins.
Yesterday invited me to witness nature’s beauty as I drove long distances, zig zagging across two states, to arrive at my destination.
My journey unfolded beneath overcast skies, dampening the potential to witness the brilliance of Fall’s beauty. Mapping my route, I chose the scenic path rather than the most efficient. I was at choice and content to take my time.
I travelled with speed along the highway, slowly meandered through country roads, and crept over a bridge barely wide enough for two vehicles. I was unexpectedly rerouted twice due to construction and a washed out bridge, adding time and miles to my journey. I encountered heavy traffic, wide open roads, slow moving drivers, and many traffic signals telling me to stop, go, or slow.
While I chose the destination and mapped my preferred route, the quality of this journey was determined by many unknown factors beyond my control. (Kinda like life).
Traveling home, I delighted in the otherworldly light streaming from the heavens and dispelling the gloom. Brightening everything, including my mood, this light highlighted the interconnected dance of the breeze, leaves, traffic, sparking water, and my breath. All flowing together in perfect harmony. This exquisite beauty was not dimmed by rush hour traffic, inconsistent drivers, or the inefficient route mapped by the computer in my car.
Within this harmony, momentary frustration vanished in a breath and inner wisdom highlighted a route more efficient and pleasant.
It was not lost on me that my experience mimicked the movement of vital life force through my body.
Your body’s functioning is informed by a complex network of energetic pathways.
This energy matrix, which informs your wellbeing or dis-ease, is constructed of light pathways known as meridians and nadis. Intersecting within energy centers known as chakras aligned along your spine, above and below you, and within your hands and feet.
You may imagine this energetic network of light to have its version of super highways, four lane roads, neighborhood streets, tiny alleys, and bridges galore.
Growing up human naturally involves countless situations when this energetic system was overwhelmed by your physical, chemical, emotional, and relational experiences. Like that time the teacher embarrassed you in fourth grade or when your favorite pet died. When the family’s pain spilled over with emotion, addiction, physical harm, or absence. Every day that held too much for your system, for whatever reason, interfered with a clear “route” to process the energy associated with these events through your body.
If energy doesn’t flow through you, it gets stored within you. This is the energy you carry.

Old, dense energy that wasn’t able to be processed through no fault of your own. Stored within your meridians and chakras, as well as living within your organs, muscles, and layers of your biofield.
So much old energy, much of it inherited from others, clogging up your roadways, washing out your bridges, and detouring your capacity to live as the bright, colorful being that you are.
With effort, you may arrive at your desired destination with enough time, grit, and effort. At times, you just get lost in the detours, drive aimlessly, or get sidelined by the accidents in your path.
It doesn’t have to be this way. The energy of life is bright, beautiful, and wants to flow freely.
When you understand that most emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual obstacles are the result of disruptions in the flow of your vital life force (chi, ki, qi), you’ve got options. The practices of energy medicine, energy psychology, acupuncture, shamanic healing, and yoga (among others) are designed to release the interference of dense, stored energy which disrupts the creative flow of life.
You can learn simple techniques to clear your own dense energy. And I mean simple.
Practices that act like that tow truck which clears the disabled vehicle from the city street during rush hour.
On Saturday, November 12th, I’m offering an Energy Psychology Essentials workshop at Soul Sanctuary.
I’ll be sharing a variety of really helpful energy clearing techniques that are easy to understand, practice, and use in a flexible manner. There’s no end to how you may apply these skills. If you can join me, plan to clear out a whole lotta “traffic jams” as well as go home with immediate practices for everyday use. (If you’re reading this at another time, subscribe to my WholeHearted Living Blog for other tips and event announcements).
If you can’t join me, download The Self Soothe Strategy PlayBook and mp3 recorded practice.
This gets you started “on the road” to learn a more efficient and enjoyable way to travel through life’s ups and downs. You can access that free resource here.
If you’ve experienced a lot of challenge in your life, it may be time to excavate layers of stored energy.
It doesn’t have to be hard, but it may be complex. I’m happy to explore how to address your healing in a private, individualized setting. Let me know if I can help you.
When you lighten up your energy field, life changes. It is as simple as that.
I hope I can help you discover this for yourself. I should mention that these self-help energy techniques are free and have one major side effect. They bring you closer to your natural state of peace and wellbeing. That’s a side effect you can celebrate no matter where you are in your journey.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Why focus on the heart in the Self Soothe Strategy? A coherent heart rhythm gives you access to the higher order brain functions of emotional regulation, decision making, and perspective taking. Research has shown that an integrated brain has many benefits, including improvements in well being, immune function, compassion, and resilience. Brain integration increases your capacity for learning when new linkages form across brain regions (neuroplasticity). And strengthens the brain’s ability to regulate emotion, attention, thought, and behavior (self regulation). This enables you to soothe your system and is essential to navigating stressful situations with an intelligent, flexible response. There’s more to it so download The Self Soothe Strategy and do your own “research.”