My heart is full as I contemplate the wonder of the oldest Love Orphanage child graduating high school.
Going to school in Haiti is for the privileged few who can afford the yearly tuition. Without a public education system funded by the government, Haitians are left to their own to access education.
The tuition of $250/year is out of reach for the majority of Haitians who live on under $2/day.
Prior to the creation of the Be a Difference Maker program, none of the Love O children had ever been to school. With the daily challenge of survival of 19 children, Gabriel knew that education was out of reach. His focus was upon healing the physical and emotional traumas of the children abandoned or orphaned by the 2010 earthquake.
Ilionor is 21 and graduating high school which goes through grade 13 in Haiti.
As the oldest young man at Love O, he supports Gabriel and has been considered staff after turning 18. This is necessary for him to remain at Love O and continue his education. (He is standing on far left of photo.)
Ilionor’s success poses a new challenge for Love O.
What are the next educational opportunities for Ilionor and the girls who will graduate next year? Identifying options, cost, and logistical details is the next step. What technical school will provide a livelihood and match their interests and gifts?
So how do we, the extended Love O family around the world, celebrate and how do we fund the future? Let’s do both!
We’ll gather at Studio 67 in Medford on Thursday, June 9th to celebrate with music, friends, and dessert.
We are graced by the musical talents of Sharis Swartley and Norm Taylor. They bring such passion to their performance and have both been long term supporters of the kids at Love O. Studio 67 is an artsy setting in the old feed mill. You’ll be surrounded by beautiful art, yummy sweets and the chance to celebrate Ilionor’s success.
We’ll share the photos and some video from the evening with Gabriel so the Love O family will feel our love and support.
My heart is especially full as my daughter created the Be a Difference Maker program when she was in 8th grade and entering high school. She visited Love O with us for three summers during high school and was able to watch the children grow. And now, as Ilioner represents the fruit of that first seed, she graduates from college. It is a sweet time filled with tremendous gratitude.
I’d invite you to join us in opening the way for further education for the Love O kids.
If you’re local, please come to the Be a Difference Maker Coffee House and join us in the live celebration. For those who can’t join us for any reason, you are welcome to make a donation to support this educational dream.
Here’s the link for tickets which will take you to the Event Bee site.
If you’re purchasing a ticket but not attending, please add that in the comments. (100% of donations to We the Village are applied to the Be Difference Maker program. I have no access to information about financial contributions.)
We look forward to celebrating Ilionor and receiving the musical gifts from Norm and Sharis.
Thanks so much for your support. It really does take a Village.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

I call Gabriel Fedulus an angel. A humble man, he answered the call to help the orphaned children after the 2010 earthquake. What did he do? Gave up his job as a translator and home in Miami and returned to Haiti to gather up some kids. And raise them. He kept gathering until he had 19. He is still raising them. Even as some leave and other little ones arrive. He manages to find food, fill their hearts with love, create safety, and solve the multitude of challenges that Haitians face every day. Especially in these turbulent times on that little island. I call him the Angel Gabriel. He dismisses that name, but I think it fits and I’m keeping it.