Are you a Wise Woman who is waiting for something?
It’s a serious question. When you hit pause and let the question drop in and breathe you, the answers that emerge may surprise you. Answers plural. It’s not so simple as yes, no, or couldn’t care less.
Are you talking to me?
Yes I am. I am calling that wisdom that has laid dormant for centuries to arise within your body, life, and way of being. It’s a subtle call and deep. I’m not speaking of being empowered as a female, finding your voice, or living your purpose. Although all of that will likely emerge along this journey.
I’m calling up the mystic who lives the healing medicine in her unique way.
She who comes alive with passion for the joy of living, creating, and engaging in her own great work. Influenced by the map of The Mystery which lies deep within you. She who is not necessarily visible to the world as a light bearer, yet one who bears great light. Showering it upon Her Path and touching the dark spaces in the lives of those she meets.
I’m calling up the healer who quietly whispers the songs of healing to those spaces within humanity that feel broken.
To assist others in recognizing that breaking is often the path to opening to more. Rather than healing the broken heart or troubled mind, the Wise Woman coaxes the breaking open. Midwifing the transformative power held within to reveal what next wonder of creation awaits.
Wise Women. Plural.
There is plenty to awaken in you.
I’m calling you to join me in a deep exploration of the Sacred Mystery of Feminine Wisdom. Taught not by the mystics of old, but by the living archetypal energy of the Feminine Wisdom itself.
The Feminine Archetypal energy, by its very nature, seeks a home.
Your body. Your energy system. Your life. This is Her Home if you are willing.
I invite you to join me and other ladies who are diving deeply within the Sacred Feminine Mystery. We will let this Living Wisdom have its way with us in the 6 week series beginning Tuesday, October 5th.
It’s a Path that won’t disappoint. And I hope you choose to walk it with me.
Register now to ensure your space. We’re meeting on ZOOM and Those who are new, I will open the Sacred Feminine Mystery Teaching Archive for you – a treasure trove of information, journeys, and initiations.
For those of you who have stepped on this Path before with me, there is more. Always more.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

South Korea offers 100 Won Taxis to rural residents. That’s 9 cents in US dollars. As public buses decreased their routes, rural residents were left in a fix. Taxis don’t want to head out to the boondocks for a single fare. Now this governmental policy offers residents living more than 2300 away from a bus stop an affordable ride. Yup, that’s pennies for a lift that takes you right to your door. The government subsidizes the drivers so it’s a win win. Clever strategies are popping up all over the world. Turn off the news and go seek all the good stuff that’s happening.