Today, I wanted to send you encouragement. And love.
I didn’t need to add more advice or opinion to your inbox. There is plenty of helpful guidance out there for managing election stress. And I believe you are wise at your core and know how to care for yourself.
Turn down the outer noise. Tune into your inner wisdom. Okay, that’s done.
I wanted to send you my prayer today. The prayer I sat within all day yesterday. I wondered how to turn that peace into words. How to hold the steady focus on the deepest love while acknowledging the confusion, anxiety, grief, anger, and loss.
I wanted to sing you a song of encouragement. And love.

To recognize the shit show we’re living in. And acknowledge how very hard it is. How very brave you are. And how creatively you are managing this time. And how I am with you in it. Deep within it all.
I couldn’t quite find the words. Strange, I know. But, it was so quiet within.
And then words came to me through a source so perfect, so beautiful, so creative, and so joyful, that I had to share this song with you.
It’s not my song. It’s the Bengsons that will guide you forward with their Keep Going Song.
How did they know my prayer for you? How did they sing the thoughts that had not yet surfaced to my lips? I am enamored with their talent. And their hearts.
I hope you listen and feel the encouragement.
And the love with a sprinkle of delight and wonder.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

The power of a heartfelt visual message does wonders. Especially during isolation and the separation from the human need to gather with one another. Seeing a smiling face lights up the mirror neurons in your brain. Encouraging the feel good chemicals to jazz up your system. Hearing a friend’s voice or a family member’s concern warms your heart and brings you back into connection. Human connection is essential for wellbeing. While hugging and hanging out in person isn’t viable, video is a great way to connect when you share your voice, smile, and expression of love.