The request is important as Angels respect your free will and don’t work unbidden. Many people overtly ask for help, while others send out subconscious requests for heavenly assistance. As Lucia learned, there is no limit to the number of Angels available, type of help given, or wisdom, love, and healing that they offer.
Angels have no space or time restriction, so they can be with anyone and everyone, anywhere, at any time.
No request is too small or too large. This is important and frees you to ask the Angels for any kind of help. It truly doesn’t matter whether you are asking for guidance about life decisions, healing from disease, recapturing joy in relationships, or finding the perfect parking place. You may ask aloud, within your mind, or on paper. Just so long as you ask.
Lucia stopped still once she saw the ‘signs’ of Angels around her.
She then moved through her doubt to enter into a dialogue to learn more. These are important steps as you open intuitively to the Angelic conversation. Take time to be still and notice what ‘answers’ show up in your life. You may quiet the active mind by meditating, reflecting in nature, turning off the TV or radio, or slowing down while you consciously move through your day. Everyone is intuitive and has the potential to receive information in their unique way.
Children know this and display a natural trust, as well as a playfulness, in their openness to the world beyond the five senses.
Once open to receiving help and guidance, you may notice the coincidental way a stranger offers an idea, a challenge miraculously dissolves, or a friend provides you with the perfect book. Solutions appear in dreams, gut feelings guide you in the right direction, and feelings of peace descend with the thought of being surrounded by Angels.
Take note that conversations with Angels provide kind, loving, and positive messages that are always empowering.
These beings of light are never harsh, dismissive, and judgmental. If doubt or critical thoughts enter your dialogue, take a breath and drop back into your original intent to connect with the loving assistance of the Angelic realm. If you’re interested in how the Angels may help enhance your life, ask them to lead you to the books, people, workshops, and experiences that support your learning more. Most importantly, have fun with this exploration as the Angels are naturally light, joyful, playful, and enthusiastically loving.
Let’s see how Lucia’s Want Ad is paying off.
Six months later, Lucia laughed and thanked her ‘parking Angel’ as she once again found the perfect parking space outside her office building. With a bounce in her step, she enthusiastically set off for work. Trusting that whatever she needed would be provided. Knowing she was surrounded and protected by the unlimited love of the Angels. By seeking this partnership, Lucia had rediscovered the delight, joy, and unconditional love that is available to everyone.
As Lucia walked confidently into the building, people stopped to admire her glow.
Lucia had reclaimed the light within that was her namesake. Once the Light brightened Lucia, it continued to flow forth to bless those who crossed her path. Who knows? Perhaps some of that Light is flowing through these words to you right now. Remember that whenever you ask the Angels for help or to rekindle your Light, they respond immediately. Engaging the Angels has the potential to enhance your life and awaken your inner glow.
Ready to place your Want Ad? I know I am.