Everywhere I look, there’s worthwhile work to be done.
Our oceans are filled with oil spills and plastic garbage. Our atmosphere is polluted and forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. Worldwide, we’re grappling with a pandemic. Adults are losing jobs and unable to care for their families. People of all ages are sick, lonely, dying, and afraid. Our country is divided on so many issues.
People everywhere are filled with rage, despair, insecurity, sadness, hunger, and fear.
Everywhere I look, I see opportunities for worthwhile work. Important activism. Creative solutions. Helping hands. Witnessing our world leads me to speculate: What to do? What to do? What skills are required? What is the focus of my worthwhile work?
Overwhelmed by the magnitude of the questions and the need, I choose to sit still.
Really still. I wondered about the work I already do. And the worthwhile work that may be calling to me across the noise of my busy life. “I thinked and thinked” as Winnie the Pooh would say. And then, I didn’t think any more. I guess you could say that I just “be-ed.” In this state of beingness, a thought emerged:
“If I could fill my pockets with only two things, I would carry Love in my right pocket and Kindness in my left.”

I realized how these qualities help Life flow more easily for myself and others. So, I pulled on my favorite jeans, stuffed Love and Kindness in my front pockets and headed out the door.
Actions guided by Love and Kindness worked with people of every age, ethnicity and gender, across all walks of life. They even worked on me. They worked in nature – pristine and damaged. They worked across the internet and within the inner net. These tools worked. Although sometimes, I forgot to stuff my pockets.
On those days, I walked under a cloud. Miserly in my misery until I ran across some kind, loving soul with pockets overflowing.
And I was helped to remember the power of love and kindness, applied flexibly and consistently throughout the day. Over time, I stuffed my pockets with Clarity and Wisdom, Fearlessness and Ingenuity, Humility and Grace, and the ability to Laugh and Cry with friends and strangers. Along the way, I forgot the original question. I just chose to be Love and Kindness or whatever quality was called forth from me in the moment.
It’s not an exact science, but it seems to work for me.
Until I forget to fill my pockets. That’s where you come in. Your love, kindness, courage, and ingenuity helps me a lot. Thanks for that. And keep it flowing.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Being kind toward others is associated with stronger mental and physical health, relationships, life satisfaction, communities, and even economies. Some researchers encourage you to cultivate kindness as a practice for wellbeing. For you. For the world. So think in terms of circles. Start offering kindness to family, close friends, office mates. Smallish is fine. Smiling, holding doors, saying thank you, picking up a piece of trash on your neighbor’s yard. Then expand your circle. Tiny acts of kindness for strangers. Concentric circles of kindness. Could they change the world?