Have you been talking to Angels?
Yeah, me too. How’s that going?
(That’s a real question.)
I really wonder what it’s like for you when you chat with the Angels. I’d love to know the details. The Who, What About, When, How, How often and What happens type of details. I’d love to know how they respond and how you know it’s them.
I want to know what doesn’t happen. Where it doesn’t work, when you doubt (them, you), when you forget them, when they remind you. When they disappoint you. Or you them.
(Spoiler alert. That last option just isn’t a possibility. Ever.)
I want to know all of it. So, email me. I’ll read it. I’ll send you a guided meditation as a thank you. Which one. Don’t know. I’m sure “they” will tell me.
You know how you get so used to your way of doing things, you forget there are other ways? That’s me. Hence, my (real) question.
It’s a big world out there. Lots of humans. The cosmos is even bigger. Lots of celestial conversationalists available for a (snap) chat. I wonder if you’re the chatty kind – talking all day to humans and light beings. Or if you spend most of your time with one group over another. Maybe you only talk (to humans or angels) when you really need something. I wonder what it’s like for you.
I don’t read books about how to connect with Angels anymore.
Not for years. I read a bunch in the beginning. They opened a new world to me and I’m deeply grateful for them. I liked having information about the Angels: names, roles, descriptions and ways to translate Angelic guidance. This initial structure gave me the foundational knowledge and ideas about how I figure it all worked.
I didn’t realize how these books also kept me bound within limited ideas about the Angelic Presence.
I do remember the exact moment that door opened.
I was offering an Angel reading as part of my practicum to become an Angel Healing Practitioner You can just picture me. My face and insides all screwed up in concentration as I “tried” to translate something that sounded like Angelic guidance. Lots of tension. Lots of effort.
Until something akin to a tap on my right shoulder was followed by a question.
“Do you mind if We take it from here?”
“Have at it!” My relief was palpable. My knowing clear. My trust complete.
From that day on, talking to Angels has become as natural as breathing. So has listening to Angels, streaming Angelic Conversations for others, consulting with them on all my life decisions, and helping you find your own way into this ongoing conversation.
I know you have the skill to do the same. I have zero doubt on that belief.
Why so sure? I’ve sat with thousands of people throughout the years. Heard so many Angel connection stories. Witnessed so many beautiful partnerships, heartfelt wisdom translations, and bodyfelt receptivity to the Angelic Presence. Too many to count. So, I know you absolutely have the skill to enter the conversation more fully.
I just wonder where you’re bound.
By your limited beliefs. By your doubt in yourself. By your experience (evidence) of not being responded to. By your disappointments. By your perception that others can do this, but not you.
I lived all of that. Fully embodied disempowerment all the while I was having marginal success “talking with Angels.”
Those days are gone. These days I’m clear: the only time I’m not engaged with these lovely messengers is when I’ve left the conversation. When I’ve narrowed my perception, my thinking, my awareness. When I’ve gotten lost in one of my countless human stories that lead me to believe I’m separate from this ongoing flowing dialogue.
These days I know the Angels are always Live Streaming.
And, unbeknownst to most, you are always engaged in some level at that conversation.
I wonder what your myths are about how this flowing, streaming beautiful conversation is “suppose to” happen.
Myths. Plural. They are like locked doors – keeping you outside looking in at those who can talk to Angels, easily translate celestial wisdom, access deep Truth. These myths are keeping you separate from someone like me. Just like my myths kept me in the “I’m not intuitive like you” camp for way too long.
This myth is not true. Just a distorted story which disempowers.

There are lots of myths about how the Angelic conversation is supposed to happen. If you’ve witnessed me live streaming – which is most typical when I teach, guide a meditation, offer an Angel Healing session, or an Angel Card Reading – you’ve witnessed one way of flow.
I’d love to also talk about how damn awkward these conversations with Angels can be.
To help you understand their nonlinear nature. How conversations unfold over time, across various messengers, and skip around topics. How the information is often cryptic, symbolic, and multisensory. How they show up at the most inopportune times.
How they pick up the conversation with abrupt questions, laughter when things aren’t funny, and challenges to act when it makes no sense.
About how to open to their rants about how much you are loved, cherished, and enjoyed. To let yourself feel the feels and experience the otherworldly even when it is physically disorienting or confusing.
I’d love to help you open to this Angelic live stream.
I’m really invested in the other Angelic Invitation I received those many years ago. “Teach them what they are already capable of.” That’s what I’ve been doing for years now.
Empowering you to discover how you (already) work.
Every workshop, retreat, and service I offer will help you discover more of your innate capacity to communicate with the Angels. With every higher level of Wisdom regardless of what it is called. This is what you are capable of.
I invite you to WholeHeartedly, consciously, and freely enter the conversation.
If you’re wanting personal instruction, hit me up for an Angelic Healing Journey. It’s all about you as the Angels and other Wise Guides show up to answer your questions, invite themselves to hang out with you on a daily basis, and give you some hints for elevating your life.
Above all, remember this: You really don’t need me, or anyone, to show you the way.
You already know how to talk and listen. You’ve already had beautiful and awkward conversations with all kinds of beings. Relax and have at it. If you want a guide, pick up a book, grab an Angel Card Deck, or find a teacher/mentor.
All lead to the same place: your own Awesomeness.
Peace be with you and with all. No exceptions.

Kindness: the gift that keeps on giving. University of California researchers found an increase in positive feelings and life satisfaction, and a decrease in negative feelings, when participants performed acts of kindness, recalled acts of kindness, or did both. Next time you feel down or stressed, pull up a memory of when you were kind to someone to improve your own well-being.